He Tries To Impress You But Fails

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In Ryan's defense, a lot of people thought he was a skateboarding champ because of that video of him that circled around online. 
Hearing you talk about how skaters were your type, well, that fueled his fire.

Ryan knew he couldn't actually skate that well on his own, but your words blinded him of that knowledge. 
So, using a skateboard that didn't have Harris's special technology, Ryan found himself waiting for you outside of the school.

He normally waited for you like this, so it wasn't weird for him to do it that day. 
When you finally came out of the school, Ryan immediately put his helmet on and got his board ready.
"Hey Ry, you ready to go?" you had asked him. 
"Yep, I'll meet you at the bottom," he said which caused you to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

Then you saw him lining up with the pole along the stairway.

You would have been worried if you didn't know he won that skateboarding contest a while back. 

Ryan was doing good at first. His board was sliding down that pole with ease.

And then he lost balance and both him and the board went flying onto the cement.

So much for looking cool in front of you. 

When you and Spyder met up at the arcade like usual, he seemed to have a different idea.

You were expecting to go into the arcade like usual, but he suggested something else. 
"So I was thinking, instead of playing an action game, we could actually get some real-life action today?"
You had no idea what he meant, but you went along with it anyways. 
But then he ran off, leaving you to chase after to follow him. You had no idea what he was doing.

Before you knew it, you were standing outside of a grocery store. 
"Spyder, what are we doing here---" you started to ask, but he cut you off immediately.
"Sh, it'll be fun. Just trust my instinct!" he said before grabbing a shopping cart.

He then jumped inside the shopping cart and sprawled himself in there.

"Okay, now launch the cart really hard. I'm gonna jump out at the last second like one of those stunt doubles!" 
You gave him a worried look. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
He insisted on it, though.

So you hesitantly did as he asked.

Just when he started to stand up in the cart to jump out at the last second, the cart went crashing into a car. 
Honestly, you had no idea why Spyder thought that was a good idea.

But Spyder was just bummed out that he didn't get to impress you with his cool stunt. 

Mark was normally smooth when it came to girls.

But when it came to you, his natural charm went right out the window.

For some reason, it was just really hard trying to flirt with you. 
Maybe it was because you were already friends and he didn't want to ruin that? 

Mark didn't know.

What he did know was that he would have to try an alternative to flirting. 
Thankfully for Mark, it didn't take long to find that alternative.

Because what was the one thing Mark Walker was great at other than flirting with cute girls?
Basketball, that's what.

Mark Walker was known as Bay City High's basketball star
You usually went to Mark's basketball games when they were at home. To be a good friend, of course. 
Since Mark knew you would be at the next game, he figured he'd be even more on top of the game than usual.

Unfortunately, he went a bit overboard.
In the middle of the game, he was looking at you in the crowd cheering him home.

Of course, he was distracted because of this and ended up getting hit in the face by the ball instead of catching it.

Harris should of known better than to take girl advice from Spyder, of all people.

But Spyder was the only one around when he went to ask for help getting you to notice him.

And of course, Spyder told Harris he needed to "unleash his inner Spyder".
Wearing heavy cologne and dressing exactly like Spyder was overkill, though. 
When he walked up to you, you started coughing. 
"Yo Y/n, wassup?" He greeted in an odd tone. 
"Why are you-" you started to ask, but then started coughing again. "What is that smell," you managed to get out in between coughs. 
"Cuda man spray. You like?" 
"It's--- strong," you said before coughing again, walking away in a hacking fit. 
Harris frowned as you walked away. "Well, that didn't work," he muttered to himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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