Prologue: Lost at Sea

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A/n: Takes place BEFORE the second movie


Within the halls of Minas Tirith in the lands of Gondor the sound of footsteps echoing off the stone walls is heard as a young man who looks no more than 19 years as he is marching down to the throne room as he was summoned by the King of the reunited kingdom of Gondor and Arnor.  

The young man stops in front of the throne room as the Guards of the Citadel open the doors the guards were cladded in a uniform of black robes and black surcoats, embroidered in white with a tree in blossom under a silver crown and many-pointed stars. Their helms were high-crowned and pointed, with long cheek-guards fitting to the face, and above these were set the white wings of seabirds to honor their seafaring Númenórean heritage; the helms were made of mithril and were heirlooms from ancient times. They use spears and a tower shield with the Gondorian insignia on the front which is the White Tree of Gondor. 

Guard: The king's expecting you ranger

He walked in the throne room and knelt in front of the High King of the Reunited Kingdom Aragorn II Elessar and his wife Queen Arwen Undómiel 

Ranger: *kneels* High King Elessar, Queen Undómiel

Aragorn: Rise Y/n L/n Ranger of Ithilien 

Y/n: *rises*

Aragorn: Walk with me ranger

Y/n walks out into the courtyard in front of the White Tree of Gondor with King Aragorn

Aragorn: I've heard of your escapades with your fellow rangers and Faramir speaks highly of you calling you one of the best rangers he's ever seen...

Y/n listens carefully to his king 

Aragorn: We've received reports of strange beasts coming from, north of the Blue Mountains, varied sizes, shapes, and colors...

Y/n: My lord if I may...

Aragorn nods to Y/n as saying "go on" 

Y/n: I thought there was nothing but open waters north of the Blue Mountains 

Aragorn: As did we all but these beasts came from the north

Y/n: Sire how can we be sure these beasts are not from Forochel?

Aragorn: My thoughts exactly ranger but the folk of Forochel have told us when they came seeking our help 

Y/n: Forgive my tone my King but...Why are you telling me this?

Aragorn motions Y/n to follow as they walk into the castle atop Minas Tirith

Aragorn: Faramir told me you have tracking skills greater than that of a bloodhound and archery skills greater than the elves 

Y/n rubs the back of his neck from the praise, but something catches his eye...something shiny, it was as long sword had engraved the designs of Seven Stars between the rayed Sun and the crescent Moon, symbols of Elendil, and his sons Anárion and Isildur. It also had many cirth. With an Elven sheath with a tracery of flowers and leaves wrought of silver and gold and the name of the blade and the lineage of the sword set in elven runes formed of gems.

Y/n: I ecet i was broken (Quenya The blade that was broken) 

Aragorn: Tye sinte quenya? (Quenya You know Quenya?)

Y/n: Elves raised me yare i uruk-hai killed mime ontáni ar burned mime peler (Quenya Elves raised me when the Uruk-hai killed my parents and burned my village) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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