Chapter 11

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RHODEY: Alright. Bring it down low. Right on that line. That's it. Down, down.

CLINT BARTON: Hey, can we hurry it up?

NATASHA ROMANOFF: Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock.

[Nebula walks out of the ship, apparently having directed it to its next destination.]

RHODEY: All that, is really helpful. [Hugging Natasha] Take care, okay?


RHODEY: Take that stone and come back. No messing around.

CLINT BARTON: [To Rhodey] Hey. You got this.

RHODEY: Let's get it done. Yes, sir.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: [Walking with Clint back into the ship] See you back.

RHODEY: You guys watch each other's six.

[Clint and Nat look back and just smile.]


[They walk back into the ship, and the hatch closes. The ship takes off and speeds out of the atmosphere of Morag.]

NEBULA: The coordinates for Vormir are laid in. All they have to do is not fall out.

[In the Benatar, Clint and Nat are sitting at the front of the ship. The ship takes a jump through space and speeds up tremendously. Nat and Clint look at each other.]

CLINT BARTON: It's a long way from Budapest.

[Natasha just laughs. Back to Morag, where Rhodey and Nebula are standing where we left them.]

RHODEY: Okay, so, uhh... We just wait around for this Quill guy to show up and then he leads us to the Power Stone, is that it?

NEBULA: [Looking around] Let's take cover. We're not the only ones in 2014 looking for the stones.

RHODEY: Wait a minute, what are you talking about right now? Who else is looking for these stones?

NEBULA: My father, my sister... and me.

RHODEY: And you? Where are you right now?

[Cuts to a scene of Gamora (2014) and Nebula (2014) fighting some Korbinite soldiers.]

GAMORA (2014): [Helping Nebula up] You're welcome.

NEBULA (2014): I didn't ask for your help.

GAMORA (2014): And yet, you always need it. [Nebula (2014) laughs and Gamora's hand.] Get up. Father wants us back on the ship.

NEBULA (2014): Why?

GAMORA (2014): He's found an Infinity Stone.

NEBULA (2014): Where?

GAMORA (2014): On a planet called Morag.

NEBULA (2014): Father's plan is finally in motion.

GAMORA (2014): One stone isn't six, Nebula.

NEBULA (2014): It's a start.

GAMORA (2014): If he gets all of them...

[Thanos (2014) arrives, honking badass double-bladed sword in tow and healthy coating blood of his armour.]

THANOS (2014): Ronan's located the Power Stone. I'm dispatching you to his ship.

GAMORA (2014): He won't like that.

THANOS (2014): His alternative is death, then. [Thanos wipes his double-bladed sword] Ronan's obsession clouds his judgement.

NEBULA (2014): We will not fail you, Father.

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