Chapter 13

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[Cut to Thanos (2014), Nebula (2014), Gamora (2014) and Ebony Maw (2014) on the Sanctuary II.]

THANOS (2014): [To Ebony Maw] Run diagnostics. Show me her memory file.

EBONY MAW (2014): Sire, the file appears entangled. It was a memory, but not hers. There's another consciousness sharing her network...another Nebula.

THANOS (2014): Impossible.

EBONY MAW (2014): This duplicate carries a time stamp... from nine years in the future.

THANOS (2014): Where is this other Nebula?

EBONY MAW (2014): In our solar system. On Morag.

THANOS (2014): Can you access her?

EBONY MAW (2014): Yes. The two are linked.

THANOS (2014): Search the duplicate's memories for Infinity Stones.

[Memory of the meeting with all the Avengers starts playing]

BRUCE BANNER (2023): And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history.

TONY STARK (2023): Our history. So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in.

CLINT BARTON (2023): Which means we have to pick our targets.

TONY STARK (2023): Correct.

[End memory.]

THANOS (2014): [To Ebony Maw] Freeze image.

GAMORA (2014): Terrans.

THANOS (2014): Avengers. Unruly wretches. What's that reflection? Amplify this, Maw.

GAMORA (2014): [Looking at a reflection of Nebula (2023)] I don't understand. Two Nebulas.

THANOS (2014): No. The same Nebula. From two different times. Set course for Morag. Scan the duplicate's memories. I want to see everything.

[Cut back to Thor and Rocket in Asgard, 2013]

FRIGGA (2013): My ladies, I'll see you after. Go on.

[Thor tries not to get caught behind a large post, but gets shocked when he sees his mother behind him]

FRIGGA (2013): [To Thor] What are you doing?

THOR: Aah!!!

FRIGGA (2013): Aah!!!

THOR: OH, God!

FRIGGA (2013): You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother.

THOR: Yeah, I was simply just going for a walk, and uh... [Trying to hide his belly]

FRIGGA (2013): What are you wearing?

THOR: I always wear this. This is one of my favorites.

[Frigga puts her hand on Thor's face and takes a good look at him}

FRIGGA (2013): What's wrong with your eye?

THOR: Oh, my eye. That's... you remember the Battle of Haroquin? When I got hit in the face with a broadsword?

FRIGGA (2013): You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?

THOR: [Pretending] Yes, I am.

FRIGGA (2013): The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?

THOR: I didn't say I'm from the future.

FRIGGA (2013): I was raised by witches, boy. I see with more than eyes, and you know that.

[Thor attempts to hold back his tears and fails miserably.]

THOR: [voice breaking up] I am totally, totally from the future.

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