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Blaise has stayed with me in my dorm. Im just scrolling on my phone whilst he's sat with me
I open my Tik tok to see draco made a Tik tok about me the sound plays from my phone "your the girl, your the one"
B: "I think he has a crush on you" blaise tells me
Y/n: no we're just friends
B: "Didn't y'all kiss or sum"
Y/n: What.?
*no no did draco tell him about that night*
B: "On the train"
Y/n: Oh yeah he kissed me on the head
B: "Yeah it's gross"
Y/n: Hey you know Pansy
B: "Parkinson? Of course I do she's in our friend group"
Y/n: You should ask her out.
B: "What- no I"
P: "Hey guys"
She has a black eye and a cut on her knuckle
Y/n: are you okay who did this to you? I ask
P: "Nobody don't worry"
Y/n: Pansy I swear if you don't tell me right now
P: "Fine it was the girls taht called you a slut I told them to shut the fuck up then we got in a fight"
Y/n: What the fuck.
I go to the hall and see the girls chatting at a table
Y/n: Don't you dare touch Parkinson again
Girl1: "Or what? Your gonna fuck my boyfriend like a slut?"
That's it. I punch her round the face and she gets up next thing I know I'm on her lap knocking her out. I pull her hair and punch her in the face over and over. Draco walks in
D: "Y/n. Stop"
I push his hands away & carry on smashing her in the face. Suddenly I feel two hands grab me and pull me off of her
D: "Stop"
Y/n: No she fucking called me a slut then beat Pansy up.
D: "Oh"
He then punches her in the mouth when umbridge starts coming
D: "Fuck let's go"
We both go to his dorm
D: "Are you okay does anything hurt" he asks while cleaning up my blood
Y/n: no I'm okay. Are you okay?
D: "Yeah she didn't even touch me"
He wipes my cut and it stings a little making me bite my lip
D: "Does that hurt?"
Y/n: Yeah..it just stings a little
D: "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you love"
Y/n: It's okay. I say with a soft smile
D: "I'm gonna go and get some plasters I'll be back"
Y/n: Okay.
My phone pings and it's the girl I beat up. The text says:
'I know you and draco fucked I could go and tell everyone if I wanted to. If you don't want me to just kys'
I feel tears flood my eyes. And next thing I know I'm crying. Again.
I make a Tik tok not realising the tears are still on my cheeks. Dracos on his way back. And everyone thinks I'm upset about Ron Draco comes back and takes my hand so he can put plasters on it.
D: "How's your lip" he says touching it with his thumb
Y/n: It hurts kinda..?
D: "That's why you don't fight people"
Y/n: yeah..
D: "Wait. Have you been crying"
Y/n: no
D: "Yes you have there's tear marks on your face"
*fuck I don't want to tell him what happened*
Y/n: Oh yeah their from earlier
D: "don't lie to me"
Y/n: I'm not
D: "yes you are"
Y/n: Im not
D: "Whatever go to sleep you need to rest"
Y/n: Okay
He gets up to leave when I grab his wrist
Y/n: Draco can you stay
D: "Ofcourse I can love"
He gets into my bed and wraps his arms around my waist we both fall asleep cuddling
I'm so sorry that the fight bit sucks I've never been in a fight or seen one so idk 😭

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