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!!!TW!! ABSUE!!!
A girl posts an old video of me and mattheo in the common room after I post about dating someone and dracos really mad. I film a Tik tok with mattheo then sit with blaise Pansy and Hermione on the train.
P: y/n that cut looks really sore. She says as she wipes her thumb over the cut on my cheek
Y/n: y-yeah I'm fine. Lies
B: oh yeah y/n we're staying at Malfoy manor your staying in dracos room
Y/n: oh. My eyes start watering mattheos going to kill me.
HG: y/n are you okay?
Y/n: he's gonna kill me.. I whisper
P: whose gonna kill you y/n.
Y/n: no..we can't stay there please no.
B: y/n what's going on.
I look up at blaise pure fear in my eyes.
I then look out the window and see mattheo staring right at me.
I let out a sob when his angry eyes meet mine.
B: y/n. What's going on!?
Y/n: I need to go to the bathroom..
I get up out of my seat and rush to the bathroom when I feel a hand touch my shoulder.
HP: y/n? Are you okay!?
Y/n: y-yes. Lies
R: y/n!
Y/n: Ron..
R: y/n it's okay your away from him now it's okay.
HP: away from who?
Y/n: it doesn't matter don't worry.. Lies
Harry turns me around and pulls me into a hug
R: I'm gonna go get blaise
Blaise then comes over to me
B: y/n I know what's going on please come here your safe it's okay your okay.
I go over to blaise crying into his chest
B: it's okay..your okay..
The train starts moving and he walks me to our carriage. I sit next to blaise, my eyes start getting heavy and I fall asleep on his shoulder.
When I wake up we are at malfoy manor and draco is stood in the doorway waiting for us.
Y/n: draco..
D: hi y/n.
I run over to him bringing him into a hug
Y/n: I've missed you so much. I say tears starting to fall down my cheeks
Little did I know blaise took my phone & filmed us.
I found it and posted it on Tik tok.
Mattheo comments having a go at me for being with him.
Y/n: draco.
D: Hm?
Y/n: u-um the cut on my face it's from..uh
Y/n: I-it's from mattheo..
Y/n: um yeah, h-he's been hurting me for a while..
D: I'm gonna fucking kill him.
Draco gets up and I grab his arm.
Y/n: please..don't leave again..
He turns and looks at me. He looks almost hurt. He walks back over to me attaching his lips to mine. God how I've missed his touch.
I slide my hands into his hair as our kiss gets more heated.
Dracos door suddenly opens.
N: guys dinners rea-
D: shit! Mum hey
I place my head into my hands my face heating up. Why am I so embarrassed!?
N: um dinners ready.
D: okay we'll be down in a minute.
N: oh and Draco Danielle's looking for you.
I look up at Draco. Danielle? whose Danielle
D: okay I'll go check on her.
Narcissa leaves and Draco let's out a sigh.
D: Danielle is my daughter. She's 4 years old. I had her in 2nd year. Her mum left her on my doorstep. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Y/n: I- Draco that's amazing. You've raised your daughter all on your own and still do good at school!?
He looks up at me
D: y-your not mad?
Y/n: what? No ofcourse not let me meet her.
D: um okay..
We walk to Danielle's room and oh my god she's the prettiest 4 year old I've ever seen.
DA: daddy!!
D: hi baby
Her eyes fall onto me with confused expression
DA: whose that?
D: that's y/n. She's daddy's um friend?
Y/n; hi little one your very pretty.
She lets out a small gasp
DA: daddy the pretty lady called me pretty!!
D: well she's not wrong
DA: I like her!
D: me too baby me too.
D: cmon let's go for dinner.
He grabs Danielle's hand and we walk downstairs into the kitchen
I sit down next to draco blaise on the other side of me.
N: so y/n. How's hogwarts been?
Y/n: oh yeah. Um it's good. Lies
N: I heard you and Mattheo are together? He seems nice.
D: mum!
Y/n: u-um draco it's fine..yeah he's nice. Lies
We just talk about school and mattheo then the question I've been dreading comes up
N: so y/n. I spoke to your mother on the phone but I didn't hear anything about your dad?
Y/n: o-oh.. um. My eyes start to sting tears streaming down my face
Y/n: I'm sorry please may I be excused.
N: of course dear.
I get up and rush to their bathroom trying to control my self
D: y/n..I should've told her I'm sorry
Y/n: I'm so so sorry Draco I ruined your dinner..I didn't meant to..
D: y/n. You didn't ruin anything. Can I come in.
Y/n: s-sure.
He comes in and kneels down in-front of me taking my hand into his. His cold hand touching my cheek. Wiping a tear off of my face
Pls ignore the girls tie on the picture bcs I had to change it since the picture is a dramione picture so the tie was red 💀

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