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It's been a month since draco left and me mattheo
have been hanging out a lot more but I've been really upset since draco left. I've started ditching classes,not eating,not sleeping,staying in dracos room all day,not showering etc.
I was laying in dracos bed watching his favourite movie when I hear a knock at the door
M: hey I brought you some food
Y/n: I don't want any
M: let me in
Y/n: why
M: because
Y/n: ugh
I use a spell to open my door and mattheo comes in
M: you need to shower
Y/n: why
M: because.
He goes into dracos bathroom and turns the shower on.
M: get in the shower now.
Y/n: ughhh
I get in the shower and wash my hair + my body
I get out and wrap a towel around my waist and in my hair, mattheo had layed out a pair of dracos joggers and one of his T-shirts
I look in dracos draw for a pair of my underwear and a bra then get dressed.
I lay back in dracos bed throwing my head towel on the floor and wrapping myself in his blankets. They still smelt like him.
I hear another knock on my door
B: y/n please come to the hall their doing breakfast your favourite!!
Y/n: I'm not hungry
B: please
I get up and go out my dorm walking the hall and I sit down next to blaise and Pansy with Mattheo infront of me
People are whispering around me.
Student 1: she's a mess
Student 2: she looks almost sick
Student 1: yeah..
P: here eat something
She put a bowl infront of me it had strawberries in it
P: I know their your favourite.
Y/n: thanks..
I pick one up but struggle to eat it. I can't do this.
I get up and go to leave when I feel a hand grab my wrist
M: y/n please
I feel my eyes start to water
Y/n: I can't do this. I miss him mattheo
M: I know..but it's okay you've got this please. We can eat in your dorm if you want
Y/n: no..it's okay
I walk back into the hall wiping my tears whilst everyone looked at me Mattheo is now next to me instead of blaise because they left for their first lesson since breakfast time was over
Y/n: don't you have to get to class
B: your more important
He picks up a strawberry and takes a small bite then put it infront of me
M: it's your turn.
I take a deep breath and take a small bite I look at mattheo and he smiles we carry on doing that until the whole bowl of strawberries are gone
M: I'm so proud of you love
Love..the word draco used to call me
M: oh shit I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'm so sorr-
Y/n: it's okay. I say with a soft smile
M: do you want to go to class or dracos dorm?
Y/n: um..we'll ive got slughorn today and he's a nice teacher?
M: okay. Let's go to dracos dorm and you can change
I go to dracos dorm and change into my uniform then go to slughorn class
Y/n: sorry I'm late sir
S: that's okay y/n just sit down
I sit down and everyone looks at me. I place my head on the desk drawing on my legs, snape walks in the room
Slughorn: snape what do you need?
Snape: I'm here for y/n zabini
I look up at snape then grab my bag and leave with him.
S: so. I wanted to talk to you about draco
I stop walking and look at him my eyes starting to water
S: zabini he wants me to tell you these things.
Y/n: okay..
I walk to snape wiping my tears and we walk to his office
S: draco never wanted to leave. His father works for Voldemort, draco is being forced to become a death eater and work for Voldemort.
Y/n: I don't understand. Me and blaise go to voldemorts meetings and we aren't being forced to become death eaters
S: I can't tell you anything else. Wait here.
I sit on the chair infront of snapes desk waiting for him. When snape comes back there's someone behind him they have a mask covering their mouth and nose and their hood covering their eyes.
S: I'm gonna leave you two to talk
Snape leaves and the person takes off their mask then their hood
I jump out of my seat running to them
D: hi love
Y/n: I've missed you so much
I say with tears streaming down my cheeks
D: I've missed you too" he says whilst cupping my face and softly kissing my bottom lip.
He lays his four head on mine and we just stare into eachother eyes for a couple seconds when there was a nock on the door.
S: there's a meeting in my office you guys are gonna have to go somewhere else
D: um okay..do you think we could go to your dorm?
Y/n: uh yeah.
Draco puts his mask on and puts his hood back up and we walk to my dorm when I see the girls that always bully me
Girl1: wow doesn't surprise me you've got another guy
Y/n: shut up.
Girl2: I see you with mattheo all the time
Y/n: were just friends.
Girl3: sureee
Girl1: stop going around sleeping with everyone's boyfriends.
Y/n: I'm not sleeping with anyone!
Draco just stands there since he can't say anything cause they'll know it's him.
They all start walking towards me
Girl1: if I see you hanging out with mattheo ever again. I will kill you.
They all walk away laughing
Y/n: let's go. I say whilst grabbing dracos arm
Sorry this chapters so long & sorry for not being very active on Tik tok, I've been so busy & just don't have time I'm so sorry have an amazing day/night <3

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