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!!!TW!!! ABUSE
Time skip,
it's been a year since draco left and nobody's heard from him.
I'm hanging out in my car when Hermione messages me

H: hey I bought some snacks come back to hogwarts and we can watch some movies

Y/n: okay :)

I drive back to hogwarts and go into hermiones dorm we watch frozen and ratatouille
Mattheo texts me

M: hey darling how are you feeling, I'll come to your dorm in a bit come and see you

Y/n: I'm okay just watching films with Hermione, please do come over later I miss you

M: I will, and maybe I can help you with that assessment your struggling with

Y/n: thank you I don't know what I'd do without you, I love you 💗

M: I love you too

Me and mattheo have been in a secret relationship for 6 months. I decided to keep it private since I didn't want people all up in our business. Our movie finished and I headed back to my dorm.
M: hey I bought some food whilst we do your assessment
I get up and wrap my hands around his neck placing a kiss on his cheek
Y/n: I've missed you
M: y/n darling we saw eachother yesterday
Y/n: I don't care
M: cmon let's go do your assessment
We walk over to my desk and I pull out my assessment & Mattheo explains it to me
Y/n: for fuck sake!
I place my head on my desk getting the Same question wrong for the 3rd time
M: y/n you can do this I promise
Y/n: no I can't this shit is so hard
M: cmon pretty girl you've got this let me explain it to you again. He says moving a piece of hair off of my face
M: maybe after you'll get a reward
Y/n: which isss??
M: hm? Only good girls will find out
I smirk spreads across my face as I re-start my assignment
Time skip- 1 hour
Y/n: I did it!
M: let me see
M: I told you you could do it
I softly smile at him laying my head on his shoulder
M: now it's time for your reward darling
Mattheo says placing his hand on my thigh
My breath hitches as his hand moves further up, his fingers circling my clit
Y/n: fuck..
he moves the fabric of my panties to the side sliding 2 fingers inside me
Y/n: oh fuck..mattheo faster
My head falls back as mattheo places soft kisses on my neck whilst fastening his pace
M: mm your so pretty y/n especially when your moaning my name
Y/n: shit Mattheo I'm gonna-
He removes his fingers from inside me and walks always
Y/n: what the fuck..!
M: sorry princess but I've got to go start my test
Y/n: ugh fine I'm just gonna go hang out with Harry in the library
M: what did you just say!?
Y:n: that I was gonna hang out with Harry at the library..?
M: no your fucking not!
He says raising his voice making me flinch
Y/n: mattheo stop..please
M: no! Y/n your not aloud to hang out with other boys!!
Tears start forming in my eyes when he walks over to me his hands gripping my neck
M: do you understand me!
Y/n: yes.. I whisper back
M: louder!
Y/n: yes mattheo I understand..
m:  good
He lets go and walks away leaving my dorm, I just sit in my chair sobbing quietly when I hear a knock at my door
P: are you okay y/n..? I heard mattheo shouting
Y/n: u-um yeah I'm fine..
I cover my mouth trying to quiet my sobs but it doesn't work
P: y/n let me in.
I can't she'll see the red mark on my neck
Y/n: n-no it's fine Pansy..
P: please y/n, I just wanna help I know you hate when people shout and I know why please just let me in or I'll go get Blaise 
That makes me feel 10x worse blaise can't find out it's bad enough he knows about mother
Next thing I know Blaise is at my door, luckily the redness had gone down so I can let them in
When I open my door Blaise immediately hugs me
B: are you okay!? Did he hurt you!?
I let a sigh
Y/n: no he didn't. Lies
We go into my dorm when I get a text from mattheo

M: hey darling come to my dorm later I want to talk to you

Y/n: guys I'm gonna go talk to Matheo about what happened if that's okay
B: okay text me later
Y/n: I will
P: Bye
Y/n: bye
I walk to mattheos dorm as soon as he shuts his door he starts shouting at me
M: why the fuck was Blaise in your dorm!
Y/n: h-he's my brother I can't tell him no
M: what did I say earlier!
I just look at the floor as tears form in my eyes when I feel a his hand hit me on the cheek
M: I said what did I say earlier!
Y/n: y-you said I'm not aloud to hang out with other boys
M: that's right. And did you listen
Y/n: n-no
His fist meets my eye causing me to fall on the floor
M: you will learn to respect me!
Y/n: I-I'm sorry..
M: get up!
I stand up making sure to not make eye contact
M: look at me!
I look up at him pure anger in his eyes
M: don't you ever disrespect me ever again!
Y/n: o-okay
M: get out! Now!
I walk over to his door immediately leaving when I feel a cold hand grab my shoulder
R: y/n? What's going on?
Y/n: nothing.. please just leave me alone ron
He turns me around so I'm facing him, his hand touching my red cheek
R: he's hurting you isn't he?
Y/n: please ron it's none of your business and you'll just make everything worse please leave
R: y/n. This isn't okay
Y/n: ron..please..
He moves his hand off of my face realising why im asking him to leave me alone when I hear mattheos voice
M: Hm? Y/n what are you doing
Y/n: I-im going to my dorm..
M: seems like you and Ronald are having a nice chat instead of you walking to your dorm hm?
Y/n: y-yes
R: ah im sorry mattheo it's my fault, trying to figure out the assignment answers
Mattheos hand grabs the back of my neck causing me to lift my head up
M: don't you ever ever talk to him again. I will see you in your dorm in 10 minutes. Be ready he whispers
M: ah okay well I've got to get going I'll see you two around
After he walks away I immediately push past ron rushing to my dorm trying to think about what to do.
I hear a loud knock on my door causing me to flinch. It's been 10 minutes
I open my door when mattheo pushed past me walking into my dorm. I close my door and turn to look at him.
M: what were you and Ron talking about?
Y/n: j-just the assignment answers. Lies
M: I said. What we're you and Ron talking about!
Y/n: h-he asked if you was hurting me..
M: and you said.
Y/n: I-I said no..
His hand grips my throat again
M: don't talk to him ever again!
I close my eyes tears streaming down my face as his grip tightens
Y/n: m-mattheo I can't breathe
M: don't ever talk to another boy again! Do you understand
Y/n: p-please I can't-
M: do you understand!
Y/n: y-yes I understand
He lets go pushing me into the wall
M: I will fucking kill you if I see you talking to him again.
Y/n: o-okay
He leave my dorm leaving me stood there with tears falling down my face. My phone. Where's my phone. I need to call draco.
I find my phone and immediately dial dracos number but it goes straight to voice mail.
I try to call multiple times but it's no use.
I get into bed and just scroll through Instagram when I feel my eyes starting to get heavy

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