The Pichu Brothers: Cruise Control

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Pichu Little checked the mailbox.

"Hey, Pichu!" Pichu Little called, "Check this out!"

"What is it?" Pichu Big asked.

"I just won a free cruise for two!"

"A cruise for two? Who are you taking?"

"I don't know. I was thinking of going on two cruises."

"Well why don't you take me? I'm your brother after all!"

"Well, now that I think about it, it has been a while since the two of us went on a vacation together! But don't you get seasick?"

"I already am! It's my first time in ages!"

"Hey!" someone called.

They ran up to the Pichu Brothers. It was Meowth!

"What's that in your hand?" they asked them.

"Paper," Pichu Little said.

"Well what's on it?" Meowth asked.

"Letters," Pichu Big said.

"What do they say?"


"What's it about?"

"One page long."


"Yes, I'm very happy!"

"Just tell me what you're planning to do!"

"Well," Pichu Little said, "I just won a free cruise!"

"Yeah!" Pichu Big said, "And I'm going with him!"

"Sweet!" Meowth said, "Can I go too?"

"Sorry, it's only two tickets."

"Darn it! I should have come here earlier! I knew I shouldn't have slept in!"

"You choose to snooze, you lose the cruise!"

"Why don't you just copy one of the tickets?"


"We can't possibly put that in our suitcases! Believe me, I tried."

"Well," Pichu Big said, "Let's not waste time! Let's pack!"

The two of them went inside.

"I'll find a way on that cruise somehow!" Meowth said.


Back inside, the Pichu Brothers got their suitcases and began to pack.

"Alright," Pichu Big said, "We'll need to pack just the essentials."

"Should I bring electronics?" Pichu Little asked.

"Just your phone. You won't be needing any video games on the ship since there will be lots of activities."

"Are you going to bring your charger?"

"Nah, you can charge my stuff!"

"I'm not putting your phone there!"

"I meant use your charger!"

"What clothes should I bring?"

"Well, if you want to go to the pool, you'll need a bathing suit."

"Billiards sure has a strange dress code!"

"We'll also need sunglasses."

"The sun should see their eye doctor."

The Pichu Brothers: Cruise ControlWhere stories live. Discover now