Chapter Six: The Violin

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Kat watched in wonderment as her father's fingers skimmed across the strings of the polished violin. Her little siblings played nearby, sated by the background music. Louise, stirring the pot on the stove, let out a sigh and waved her hand in frustration.

"Alexandre, please stop playing your violin. The children need to be calm by the time that dinner is ready," Louise requested as her husband raised his brow at her words.

"That is exactly why I am playing a lullaby, my sweet," he replied as he fixed his eyes on Kat. "Besides, Kathryn is the only one paying attention. The others are in their own little world. Do you like my music, Kat?"

The little girl firmly nodded as Alexandre tilted his head back to laugh.

"You can tell by her face while you play. She is absolutely enchanted." Louise's lips turned up in a smile as she added, "Even though she might enjoy it, her mind is going to run in circles. No matter how hard I might try, she is never going to be able to get to sleep. I do not need to sit through another lecture from Madame Giry about how her ballet girls need to be well-rested."

"Oh, I'm sure that you can handle that miserly lady," the man replied, setting down his violin and walking over to his wife. He pressed a soft kiss against her head, which caused Louise to swat the man away playfully.

"I know that I can handle her, but I would rather not listen to another one of her talks," Louise replied as she threw a glance at Kat. "Honey, why don't you go and play with your sisters and brother?"

Kat threw one last forlorn look at the violin before joining her siblings in front of the crackling fire.

"Don't you think that it's lucky that we were given a room next to the kitchens?" Alexandre commented as he handed his wife the bowls.

The blond woman quietly nodded as she ladled the simmering vegetable soup into the bowls. Alexandre's brow knitted in concern as he moved forward to take the bowls from her hands.

"This change is not terrible, Louise..."

"I know that it is much better than some of the other families, but I cannot help but want more for our children," Louise replied as she looked over at the children that played in front of the fire.

"Things are beginning to look up. Once I got promoted, our situation will get better. Why, I might even get one of those apartments."

A few days before, Alexandre had been promoted from his starting position. With that, the family was moved into a new living space, which had two rooms. Thankfully, their living space had been shoved into a backroom near the kitchens. This way, the rooms were always a little bit warmer, and the family had the opportunity to make their own meals and quickly bring them back to their rooms. As good as it might have been, it was a completely different story since the couple had four children together. There was no sense of privacy, and the children all had to sleep in one room, which did not help their short tempers.

"I do know one thing," Louise replied as she jabbed a finger into her husband's chest. "You better get that apartment soon."

A chuckle left Alexandre as he replied, "Well, I was practicing before you told me to quit."

A coy smile played at Louise's lips as he leaned down to press their lips together, only separating when they heard someone coming their way. Louise's brows drew together as she noticed Orianne peering out from the shadows.

"Good God. There's no need to creep around!" the woman exclaimed, placing a hand over her wildly thumping heart.

"Easy, Louise..." Alexandre soothingly said as he reached over to rub the small of her back.

"She nearly gave me a heart attack!" Louise's eyes focused back on Orianne, who fixed a smile upon her face. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm very sorry for scaring you, madame..." Orianne softly said, eyes cautiously glancing at one of the mirrors. "I really need some food for myself and my son. I'm afraid that I was only able to get some food for tonight's dinner, but tomorrow..."

Louise glanced back at their dinner as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry, madame, but we simply do not have enough to spare. Doesn't your husband earn enough money for the family?"


A look of understanding passed over Louise's face as she turned back to the stove. Orianne anxiously waited as the seconds passed, waiting for any sort of response. Noticing the long silence, Kat looked up from playing with her siblings and quietly walked over to survey the scene. She listened to her parents' heated discussion before Louise glanced over her shoulder at the unfamiliar woman.

"Mademoiselle, I am not completely sure how we are supposed to help you. We hardly have enough, but we will certainly help you if we can. Today is not one of these days, though," Louise said as Alexandre set the bowls on the counter.

"Thank you, madame..." Orianne said as she bowed her head in respect.

"Children, come and grab your food. Let's go!" Louise called out as she shakily grabbed her own bowl, sending Orianne a sympathetic glance. Alexandre, noticing his wife's unsettled nature, hurried after her.

Kat watched as her sisters and brother hurried after their parents, standing on her tiptoes to grab the bowl. Her blue eyes glanced over at Orianne as she trailed after her siblings.

"Madame....?" Kat quietly called out as she stepped closer to the woman.

"What is it, little one?"

"Well... I'm not really hungry tonight since Madame Giry did not make us do harder routines. I can give you my food." Kat extended her bowl towards Orianne, who shook her head.

"No, I don't want you to starve."

"I don't want you or your son to starve!" Kat exclaimed as she shoved the bowl in Orianne's hands, her brows creasing in frustration. "My friend and I have a nice breakfast tomorrow. Don't worry about me."

"When I am able to, I will not hesitate to take you out for a nice snack," Orianne said as her lips spread into a smile. Her hands reached down to pat Kat on her head. "What's your name?"

"Ah, Kat Holmes."

"Holmes? Ah, you're not French?" Orianne clarified, straightening her posture.

"What do you mean? I'm speaking French, aren't I?"

"I suppose you are," Orianne replied as a bubbly laugh left her body. "You're certainly a bright girl, yes? I'll be sure to remember your name, little one."

"Even if you forget my name, you can't forget me!" Kat replied, a proud smile resting on her face. "Now, I've gotta hurry. My mother is going to worry."

"Go ahead, child."

As Kat headed toward the door to her family's sleeping quarters, she turned back around to glance at the woman, finding only an empty room.

"Strange... Almost like a ghost," Kat mused to herself as she hurried into the sleeping quarters.

No one noticed the absence of the violin, at least not until the morning after. By then, it had been snatched away and had found itself a lovely home with a music-loving young boy. 

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