Chapter One

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Chapter One

So many years before pollution of the sea and air back when life was still slow and precious. It wasn't rare to see animals and mythical creatures that we don't see today. A human could be found talking with dwarves or learning from elves. Humans could be seen swimming with Mer people and walking with centaurs. This story takes place during that time period. It takes place down in the sea with the Mer people. On a stormy night a mermaid had a merbaby. The baby was a boy. His mother didn't want to keep him and didn't like that her baby was a very cute baby. The Mer doctor said that he was the cutest baby he ever seen. There was something very special about the baby. For you see the baby would grow up to save the Mer people. His mother didn't know this let alone his father. For you see since his mother abandoned him, he was sent to an orphanage. The boy grew and years past since then. The boy was named Vanren. Vanren grew up in the orphanage all alone. He always wondered why he wasn't wanted. He heard the story of how his mom abandoned him shortly after his birth. How she decided that she didn't want him. As Vanren grew and got older he started thinking that he should see about leaving and finding his mom and ask her why she didn't want him. What happened to where she would abandon a baby to grow up without her. Vanren was about 8 years old when a family adopted him. He was the youngest of the kids he was number 5. He had 4 older brothers, and his adopted family loved him, and he loved them so the thoughts of finding his mom or even birth dad grew less and less and just sat at the back of his mind for a very long time.

Vanren was at the surface talking with an elf when the question why was I abandoned as a baby arose to the front of his mind. His friend Kit was a centaur asked "Vanren what question do you have on your mind at the moment I bet Sinkar will be able to answer it." Vanren looked at Kit and said, "I doubt he could since its Why was I abandoned as a baby?" Kit answer was "What do you mean you were abandoned as a baby you have wonderful parents and 4 amazing older brothers?" Vanren said "Yes that is true, but I was adopted into the family." Sinkar listened why the two talked. He was thinking about something that he heard when he was an elfling. He suddenly said, "When the waves threaten to destroy the land will shake apart then the one to save the Mer people will appear and rule." The others looked at him and said, "What was that?" Sinkar said "It's a prophecy about a merman that will appear and save his people. It's also said that he would be abandoned as a baby." Vanren said "Do you think that it was talking about me?" Sinkar being an elf said, "I'm not sure but you want to find your birth family, right?"Vanren nodded his head. Until Sinkar said it he never even realized that was what he wanted the most. After talking with Kit and Sinkar some more he decided that he would leave his home and search for his birth family.

Midafternoon the next day he started out on his journey. He would search the whole earth if need be in order to find his family. He talked at length with his adopted family. They told him that if he really wanted to know and find his birth family then he should go for it. They would miss him and that he was a member of their family no matter what. His adopted parents said "Remember you are our son we love you and you will always have a place to live. Remember even though we separate we are always with you. You are never alone." Then they hugged him goodbye. After that each brother hugged him and said, "Love you and travel safely." Vanren left with his adopted family waving him off. He swam as far as he could each day. After several days of swimming, he came across a small Mer people village. He would ask around for info on his family. He didn't have any luck. He decided to stay there for the night and move on in the morning. He left early the next day. He would find his family someday. He knew he would someday. He didn't know when or where. He didn't know how he would know but he would know.

One day why he was traveling the ocean he came across a human. It seemed like the human was drowning. He quickly swam to the human and helped the man to the surface. Once above the water he helped the man to shore. Once on shore the man started to cough up water. A group of people ran up to the man and merman. They asked if the man was ok. It was good that the man was getting help from the other humans. Now that the man was ok Vanren decided that it was time for him to head under again. As he was getting ready to leave the man, he rescued called to him. It seemed that the man had gotten his voice back. The man said "You there what are you doing in the water still? What's your Name?" Vanren said "My name is Vanren and I'm a merman." The man he rescued said "My name is James. Thank you for saving my life." The people around him said "Do you think he's the one from the prophecy." Vanren asked "What's this prophecy you're talking about?" One of them said "A long time ago it was said when he that is rescued by a merman then shall a new era began." Vanren thought about that.

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