Chapter Four

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James said, "I found a saltwater pond not far from here. It must have an underwater cavern that the sea flows into." As the three talked they ran to the beach to get Vanren. After safely getting him, they started to follow James to the saltwater pond to place Vanren in why they waited for the storm to pass. They made it to the pond andplaced him in it. Once they were sure that their friend was ok, they sought shelter from the storm themselves. Once out of the storm it was waiting for it to pass. Several hours passed and it didn't seem like it was going to let up any time soon. Night came and by the next day it had passed.

After the storm passed, they went to the pond to see how Vanren was holding up. Before they went to the pond, they went by the beach to see what damage the storm caused there. When they got to the beach Markern was there. Markern asked "Have you seen Vanren?" Sinkar said "Yes the storm came so suddenly that he washed up on the beach." Kit said, "We found a saltwater pond and put him there till the storm was over." James said, "We was about to go see him and see about bringing him back to the ocean." Markern said, "What a relief we were all worried when the storm hit and he didn't come home I shall go let mom, dad and the other brothers know he is fine."

Markern went beneath the water and the three friends continued to the pond to see how Vanren was. When they got to the pond, they didn't see him. The three of them called for him. There was no response from him. What could have happened to him. He couldn't have gone far right. This was the right pond. The one that they put him in when the storm go through right. Was sure this was it. So they called for him again still no answer. They decided to check the other ponds in the area. There was no sign of Vanren. Where could he have gone. They guessed he could have gotten out of the pond the same way the water got into the pond.
They went back to the pond they didn't see him he had to be there how can someone lose a merman in a pond. By this time the three of them was worried about him. They went to the beach. They retraced their steps to the pond making sure they went the right way to the pond. They arrived at the pond again and there was no Vanren. Sinkar decided that he was going to go into the pond and see if he could find Vanren. After several minutes he came back. He shook his head Vanren was nowhere in the pond. They continued to look in the ponds for him still no merman. It was beginning to feel like the pond with Vanren just vanished in the night but that was crazy. A pond could not vanish. Sinkar had informed them that the sea was flowing into the pond but the hole in which it was coming was too small for someone to swim out of it.

Was there another pond of salt water that they could have placed him in. James shook his head. He hadn't found any others. There was just this one and no one else. The three of them was baffled how could a merman disappear from a pond overnight. They wondered back to the beach and sat down. They had given up finding him. It seemed that it was to tiring looking for him. As they sat there and thought about what to do next. As they sat there pondering Vanren's parents appeared. His mom said, "By chance do you know where Vanren is." His dad said, "He hasn't come home yet. He should have been home before now."

Kit said, "Sorry we haven't seen him since last night when the storm washed him ashore." Sinkar said, "We can't seem to find him. There was this pond of salt water that we placed him in to protect him from the violent storm" James said, "This morning we had planned to put him back in the sea and he seemed to have disappeared." His mom said, "Oh no I hope he is all right." His dad said, "Where could he be." after his parents left the three of them started searching every pond trying to find him. He had to be around somewhere. But where was he. They searched and search. Before they could find him, it got dark. They would have to pick up in the morning.

The next day they started the search again. Each pond they search resulted in nothing. They came to the pond they were positive that he was placed in a couple days ago still no sign of him. After two days of searching, they had gotten to the point that they weren't going to find him. When they came upon a pond that they didn't notice before. Swimming in the pond was Vanren. Vanren called to them. He said, "Itis about time you came back to get me. I was sure you had forgotten where you placed me." Kit said "Vanren this is not the pond we placed you in." James said, "Positive this is not the pond we placed you in." Sinkar said, "No defiantly not the pond how did you get from one pond to one clear across the island." Vanren said, "What do you mean this is the one you placed me in the beach is through those trees." He pointed the way they came.

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