Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Vanren would have to wait to see them. They should be here to celebrate with Markern and the rest of the family. He would spend time with them soon. Vanren was completely out of it. He didn't hear his adviser come in. his adviser was trying to get his attention for several minutes before he noticed. As he sat there, he had to listen to the list of to does for the day. Oh, joy another long day. By the end of the week, he was finally able to go see Raenea. He was just up to her shop when he stopped short. He saw Raenea and a merman kissing. It was obvious that they were lovers. Did she go out with him to different places cause he was the king and not cause she liked him. He swam into the shop and started looking around at the accessories. He was still planning on getting something from her for his brother.

Raenea said, "Oh your majesty it's been a while have you been busy at the time being. Vanren said "Yes I have been busy I am trying to decide what to get my brother as a present scene his birthday will be coming up soon." She said, "Oh what brother of yours is it for I can custom make one for him if you tell me which one." Vanren said "My brother Markern." Raenea said, "I got the perfect one for him. Give me three days and I will have it for you." Vanren said "Thank you. Who was that man that was here earlier was he your boyfriend or was he's your husband or perhaps your fiancé." She said, "You saw that I'm sorry I should have told you that I have a fiancé that was him." Vanren said "No its fine it's not like we were dating or anything we was just hanging out right?" She said, "Right we were hanging out as friends I told him about it, but I didn't tell you about him and for that I am sorry." Vanren didn't say anything else and swam away. He swam to the surface as fast as he could.

He was crying by the time he reached the top. He swam to the shore and pulled himself out of the water far enough that he wasn't beached. Kit noticed him first. He nudged Sinkar and the two of them walked up to him. Kit noticed that he was crying. Kit said, "What happened for you to be this sad." Sinkar said, "You are on land what happened to cause these tears." Vanren didn't say anything for a moment. He finally said, "She has a fiancé there would never be anything more than friendship with me." Kit said, "your lady friend has a fiancé and she led you on like that." Sinkar said, "She came with you cause you are the king, and she didn't want to make you mad if she said no huh."

the two of them hugged their friend what else could they do. After he calmed down, he had to go back before they sent someone out looking for him. Before he left Kit said, "It will be all right there is someone else out there for you." Sinkar said "No matter how many times your heart gets broken we will always be here for you."Vanren said "thanks you two. See you soon." Vanren swam back to the palace and went looking for his dad. Once he found his dad, he hugged him and barred his face in his father's chest. His dad said, "Vanren you are upset what happened with the girl you like." Vanren said, "It seems that she has a fiancé, and she was doing nothing more than hanging out with me cause I asked her, and she didn't want to make me mad since I am the king."

His dad said "Vanren that is too bad. I am sorry that it happened. There is someone else that you haven't meet yet. They will want to be with you because it's you and not because of your tittle." Vanren said, "I doubt that there is anyone that is going to want me because of who I am and not because I am the king." his dad said, "Come on Vanren it's not that bad. It may hurt for a bit, but you will get over her. Now come on your brother's birthday will be here in five days. Three days later he went to the shop to get Markern's present. As he was there, she said, "Your majesty just in time the gift you wanted is done. I hope he likes it if not you can bring him in, and he can change it out."

Vanren said, "Thank you for all that you have done its lovely I am sure he will like it." At that time her fiancé came in. he said, "Your majesty you're not here to hit on my fiancé are you." Vanren said "No I came to pick up a gift for my brother that she made me now I will be going now." as he left, he heard whispering. He thought he heard a smack as well. It was finally the day of Markern's birthday. They would be celebrating when Vanren got done with work. He would be done early today. His adviser made sure that he had plenty of time to spend with his family that day. It was time for presents. Vanren handed Markern the git. Markern said, "Wow its wonderful I've seen the shop but never been in. Every time I go by there is a man obvious her fiancé." Vanren said, "Yeah she says if you don't like the one, she made for you then you can go exchange it."

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