Chapter Two

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The next day the elf gathered what she would need to undo the spell. It was well into the afternoon before she had everything. Onceeverything was gathered, they began the undoing of the spell. It was not very long if done right to undo the spell and change him back toa merman. What seemed like forever but was only a few minutes the spell was done. The spell seemed like it didn't work. Would it be alright. After a few minutes with nothing happening the elf said "Hmm this spell seems extremely tough. Since its getting dark there is nothing I can do tonight. We shall do some more trying tomorrow. I will change him back, but it may take a few tries."

The next day the elf tried several times before giving up for a little bit. She was thinking about the next step. Two days later after attempting to change him back to a merman the three of them was talking. Well two talking one writing. As they talked a fairy overheard them. She was headed to a meeting. She wanted to help Vanren before she arrived at the meeting. She said, "Excuse me but maybe Ican help." Vanren looked around and spotted the fairy. He held up a piece of parchment that said, "How can you help change me back to a merman and give me my voice back." the fairy said, "For starters let's give you, your voice back."

She waved her wand and chanted then pointed her wand at him. In that moment Vanren said "Oh wow this is great I can talk. Thank you miss fairy now do you really think you can break the spell that I'm under and change me back into a merman." The fairy said "Oh my aren't we polite. Yes, I believe that I can help." Vanren said "then I thank you for your help and put myself in your hands." The fairy waved her wand said a spell and pointed the wand at Vanren. This time it took a few minutes, but he was back to being a merman. James said, "Quickly let's get him in the water."

They quickly got him into the water. Once in the water he said, "Thank you miss fairy for your help." She said, "You are welcome now I better be going before I am late to the meeting." They waved as she flew off. After talking with James and his elf friend for a bit he set off for his destination. Before he left the elf said, "The two of you have a great destiny waiting for you be careful." James said, "What is that supposed to mean." She didn't respond but headed back into the woods leaving the two of them to ponder what she said. James waved goodbye to Vanren and started back to his home.

Vanren headed beneath the sea and started towards the royal city. He was several days away and do to the sea wizard he was delayed for several days. As he swam that day, he came across a small dwelling of Mer people. He asked around about some info on the rumors that had been floating around he also asked about the royal city and how far it was from there. As he talked with the people, he learned a lot about the royal city. He also learned that the rumors had gotten bigger since the last time he heard them. It seemed that it was out of control. Finally, after swimming for three days he came at last to the royal city. Here the queen and king of the Mer people dwelt. The name keeper, the keeper of the records lived.

Vanren asked around for the name keeper first he was hoping that he could find out who his mom was from that. He followed directions from one of the mermaids he talked to her. she was nice. Once at the door of the name keeper he knocked. He was invited in by the servant. He was then asked to wait why the servant went and got the name keeper. Some timepassed before the name keeper came. The name keeper asked, "So lad what is it that you want with me." Vanren said "I want to know the organ of my name who my mother is and why she named me."

The keeper said, "Oh well what is your name lad so I can tell you why and who your mother is." Vanren said "My name is Vanren." The keeper said "Ah a very old name it is. The last person that had your name was the very first king of the Mer people. No one has been named that till you. Your mother's name is Filanna and she lives in the city." Vanren asked where he could find the keeper of the records at. The name keeper told him directions to his house. Once at the keeper of the records he knocked on the door and was shown into the house by a servant that went and got the keeper of the records.

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