Chapter Six

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As he was leaving a guard said, "Halt where do you think you are going." Vanren said "I am going to the surface." The guard said, "Your majesty sorry I did not know it was you, but shouldn't you take someone with you." Vanren said "Fine if it will make you feel better than I will go with Kirmar." the guard sent someone to go get Kirmar. Once the brother showed up. Vanren started swimming again and Kirmar followed his brother. Once they were a ways off Kirmar said "Vanren why do I have to go with you and where are we going." Vanren said "I wanted your company for a bit, and we are going to the surface. If you don't want to come, then you can go home."

Kirmar said, "Vanren its late can't you go see your friends in the morning." Vanren said "If I would have time in the day then I would but I am busy in the day. I do plan to come first thing in the morning if they are sleeping when I get there. Besides I want to see the moon as it appears in the sky and not reflected in the water."Vanren and Kirmar swam in silents for a long time. The two of them could be together without talking. Once at the surface Vanren looked around for his friends but they weren't in sight. It seems that they had turned in for the night. So, the two of them looked at the moon and stars for a bit. With a promise to come in the morning first thing before he got too busy.

Kirmar noticed that Vanren was sad that he couldn't see his friends. Kirmar said, "Vanren its time to go home." Vanren silently left the surface of the water and returned to the palace. Once back the two brothers parted. Vanren didn't sleep well that night. Once he was up, he speeds off for the surface. Markern noticed Vanren and the hurry he was in and decided to follow. It was hard to keep up with Vanren when he was swimming that fast. He wasn't even swimming as fast as he could. Once at the surface he saw his two friends. As he watched he noticed that it seemed that they were having fun.

It looked like they had forgotten him. He was thinking about turning around when Markern said "Vanren you came all this way you might as well say hi and talk with them." Vanren said "Markern what are you doing here." Markern said "I followed you. Now get close to them or they will never notice you and I will wait here for you to get done." Vanren swam closer to the beach. When he got close Kit noticed him. Kit said "Sinkar look its Vanren." Sinkar looked out to the water. Vanren waved at him. The two of them stopped what they were up to and went to the edge of the water so they could talk to their friend in the water.

Sinkar said, "thought you forgot about us it's been eight months." Kit said, "What happened the last time we saw you suddenly you went under and never came back." Vanren explained the whole deal. He then told them about the revolution and how he is now king of the Mer people. Kit said, "That is just wrong you was caught by humans and put in a tank for good luck." Sinkar said "It's no wonder we haven't seen you for so long." the three of them talked till Markern came over. Markern said, "Sorry to interrupt but the king has duties to for fill. It is time we get going before they send out an army to look for him." Vanren said "Markern they wouldn't send an army out that is enough joking, but you are right it is time to go." Vanren and Markern left after Vanren promised to see them again soon.

Once back at the palace he was greeted by his adviser saying where have you been your majesty and Markern why didn't you stop him. He has a very busy schedule today. On the way to the throne room, he was informed that the reconstruction of the damaged areas from the revolution had begun this morning why he was away. That there were several audience requests from the people that he needed to attend too. The list of things to do went on and on. He knew that as he was just starting there would be more that he needed to do then as he became a costume to the tittle of King.

Vanren got a break for a few minutes around early afternoon. He decided that he was going out to the palace garden. He wanted to go to the surface, but he knew that he would be stopped if he tried to do that. He wished several times that he could go back in time and stop himself from going off in search of his biological parents then none of this would have happened. He then wouldn't have met James either. James probably be dead on the bottom of the sea floor if he didn't save him. Then there was time that he was glad that he met his friend James and his biological mother.

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