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Hey friends!! Sorry, this is a little later than I intended it to be, but it's here now!!

Just a few things before we get started. If you see a spelling error, feel free to point it out respectfully. This does not include names since Bakugo and Bakugou are both correct. Also, certain words can be spelled differently, depending on where you're from—for example, Grey and Gray.

This story will be alternating between Bakugo and Midoriya's POV. They will rotate each chapter, or every few chapters, with the exception of the first chapter. The first chapter will have both of their POV's to introduce the story.

Enough of me, though. On to the story!!!


"I don't understand why we have to do this bullshit." I groaned, throwing my briefcase on the table. "We've never had to work with the police before."

"People come to us when they need help with something," Aizawa said in a bored, plain tone. He always sounded like that, though. "The only difference is that this is a group of people, not an individual."

"It's still bullshit." I cursed. "I can't believe you agreed to this without asking me first."

"I'm still your boss." He slammed his hands on the table, which meant he was getting fed up. He hardly lost his cool, but you could always tell when he was going to. "I don't need your permission to assign you guys to a case." I groaned loudly, taking a seat in one of the chairs. There was a reason I didn't stay at the police station myself. I don't like being told what to do. I never have, and I never will.

"It's my team that I specifically hand-picked. I trained all of these fuckers to my style and how I like to run things. What makes you think we'd be willing to work with the police?" I scoffed.

"I know that you hand-picked and trained your employees, which is why I know you guys are the best for this job." Aizawa reached for the file on the corner of his desk. "Can I tell you about the case, or are you going to keep fighting with me?" I'm pissed beyond belief that he put our other investigations on hold, but this was a losing battle. He is my boss, after all.

"Get on with it then." I scowled. The faster he told me this information, the faster we could be done.

"This is Koga Takeo." He said, setting a picture down in front of me. He was an older man, probably mid-fifties, if I had to guess. He had short, black hair with a receding hairline. His dark brown eyes looked cold as he stared at the camera.

"Yeah, I know. His wife became our new client today." I said, sliding the picture across the desk. "I sent the background check in but haven't heard anything back."

"That's because they called me directly," Aizawa informed, sliding another file over to me. "The police have been investigating him for weeks now."

"For what?" I asked, looking over the file in front of me. There were approximately twenty names on the list. All females, around the age of twenty.

"He's a lead suspect in a serial case of disappearances." He explained. I looked over the other papers on the desk, realizing this was a list of people we'd been trying to investigate in our free time.

"His wife thought she was cheating on him," I mumbled. "But he's doing much more than that."

"Which is why they want to work together on this one." He sighed. "They think that with us investigating like we usually do, we might be able to fill in a couple of pieces that they can't find." I scoffed. The police force has always acted like they were better than us, and now they want our help? I hate Aizawa for making me do this.

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