Not a Weakness

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My heart has never raced so fast in my life, and I've been in a few shootouts, so that should say something. I never expected to fall for anyone, especially this damn fast. Midoriya makes me feel things I never thought I could feel.

I always said love was for the weak. I always thought letting someone into your life like this and caring so much was a weakness. I never thought about the possibility of it being a strength. When I think about Midoriya, I don't feel weak. I feel invincible. I want to get out of bed in the morning. I want to be more careful at work. I feel like I'm living my life, not just rolling through the motions.

Having him pinned against my door and his lips passionately moving against mine has my knees threatening to give out. I was going to start ripping his clothes off the second I shut the door, but I didn't know if my heart could handle it.

I pulled away from him slowly, savoring the taste of the black coffee on his lips. "If the clothes come off, will you still want me in eleven months?"

His hands found my waist and pulled me back to him. "Katsuki Bakugo, it doesn't matter whether our clothes come off or not. I will still want you in eleven months and way after that too."

I flashed him a smile before giving him another quick peck. "The clothes are staying on tonight, but I would really like it if you would stay the night and join me for dinner." Usually, I wouldn't let anyone stay with me unless it was after sex. However, I only have this week with him. I don't want to waste it by sending him out the door.

"I can stay, but I have run home and grab a bag. I can't sleep in this and then go to work in it in the morning." I would just offer him sleeping clothes, but he really can't wear black sweats and a green t-shirt to work in the morning.

"Why don't you head home and grab a bag for the week? I'll stay here and make us some dinner."

His grip on my waist tightened. "For the whole week?"

"If that's okay with you." I smiled. "If I only get this week, I would rather you stay here the entire time. I mean, I could go to your apartment too. Either way, I don't care."

He shook his head. "I'm fine with staying here. I can be back in maybe forty minutes or so."

"Are you okay with chicken alfredo for dinner?" He released his grip on me with a quick nod. "I'll start cooking then."

"I'll be back soon." He pressed himself to the balls of his feet and pressed his lips against mine briefly before walking out the door.

When the door shut behind him, the biggest smile spread across my face. When Aizawa told me that I had to work with the police station, I never knew it was going to result in me getting relocated because of my behavior. I never thought I was going to find someone who made me change my view on how I look at life.

I never thought that about a month of being by his side would make me feel like this.

Even though I didn't want to do the mission with him, and it obviously didn't go well, I'm glad I had to.


"This is so good," Midoriya hummed in satisfaction before shoving another bite of the pasta in his mouth.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." I like cooking, and most recipes are made for more than one person, so I'm glad to finally have someone to share the food with. "What did you run back to work for?"

He finished chewing before responding. "I ran back to get a good look at the place and see what's been going on, I guess. The place is disgusting," he scoffed. "I ended up moving the cubicles for them back into the main area. I didn't put anything back together for them since all their desks were disgusting. They need to clean them and put them back together tomorrow."

"So, you're reclaiming your office?" Having a private office is one benefit of being the boss. If you're getting paid more to deal with more than everyone else, you should take the benefits offered.

He nodded his head. "I'm going to go in early and move my stuff up from the basement. I know we have a job to do this week, but I think tomorrow will be a catch-up kind of day."

Yeah, I get that feeling too. "Aizawa left me a list of stupid things my team has been doing. I'm going to spend my morning working through that."

"Well, you and I can meet up for lunch tomorrow and discuss how we want to handle the case throughout the week. I think we both need to see how bad the damage has been in our absence before we try to commit to something."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I can go in early with you and help you move your stuff back up to your office if you want."

He chuckled. "Just because I have to go in early doesn't mean you have to either." He scooped another forkful of pasta into his mouth. How the hell does he look so perfect and graceful all the time?

"I don't mind," I shrugged. "How long will it take you?"

"By myself? Maybe two hours."

"If I helped, I bet we could have it done within an hour." If going in an hour or so early with him meant he got to stay in my bed for an extra hour, I would happily do so.

He smiled and nodded his head. "I would really appreciate it."

We made small talk while we finished eating, mainly talking about what needs to be done for the case this week. We didn't come up with an exact plan, but we wanted to talk about what we had to do.

After we were done eating, I showered while he cleaned up. I told him he was a guest and didn't have to, but he insisted since I cooked. Apparently, he hates cooking and would always rather clean. Since I'm not a fan of cleaning up the aftermath of a good home cooked meal, it sounds like a win-win to me.

After I showered, he showered while I occupied myself with cleaning up my room a bit. It wasn't horrible, but it was a little messy. Just some empty water bottles and clothes scattered across the floor. I changed my sheets too. He deserves some fresh, clean sheets to sleep on.

"Are you sure you want me to sleep in here with you? I can sleep on the couch if-"

"Midoriya, lay down." I pointed at my bed with a smile. His hair was towel-dried and flying everywhere, but he still looked fucking perfect. I don't know how the hell he does it.

He flashed me a nervous smile before looking down. "Are you okay if I sleep without a shirt?"

"I'm more than okay with that," I smirked. I wasn't wearing a shirt either. He slowly crawled into my bed while I plugged our phones in and turned on my alarms for tomorrow morning. When that was done, I turned off the light before blindly walking to my bed.

I pulled the blanket back and laid down. He nervously scooted away from me to give me more room. How long has it been since he's stayed at someone's house? Is he always like this?

I don't want him to scoot further away. I want him closer.

"Hey, roll over," I said. He slowly rolled over to face me. We didn't have much light in the room, but the full moon provided enough for me to see the outline of his face. I rested my hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips to meet mine.

He melted instantly against my lips. I love that I have that effect on him. I kissed him slowly and lazily, not wanting to rile either of us up since we were getting ready to sleep.

"I may not seem like it, but I'm a big cuddler," I said against his lips, causing him to chuckle. "So, how do you want to sleep tonight?"

He thought about it for a few seconds before responding. "Wanna be the big spoon?" He rolled back over after I nodded my head. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled his back to my chest. The fact that neither of us wore a shirt made everything hot under the covers.

"Goodnight, KitKat," he said softly.

I pressed my lips against the back of his head before murmuring, "goodnight, Freckles."

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