Our Love

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"KitKat, I can't reach his head anymore!" He could barely reach it at this point, but he thought building it taller than me would be funny, so I had to stretch for it.

"I like watching you reach," he said from behind me before laughing quietly.

I groaned. "It's cold outside. If you want to see my clothes riding up, we could take them off altogether inside."

I heard the snow crunching under his feet as he approached me. "I'll put the hat on and the face together."

That works for me. While he grabbed the hat and carrot we bought on the way here, I grabbed two sticks and four rocks I found earlier when we walked up the small mountain to see the slopes in the distance.

After we were done putting everything together, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back to admire the worst snowman I had ever seen. True to his word, Kacchan and I have spent the entire day doing simple winter things. We had a snowball fight, made snow angels, attempted to build a snow fort, and just finished our snowman.

It's the simple stuff like this I didn't know I was missing.

"I think he looks great," he whispered before pecking me on the cheek. "You ready to go warm up?"

"Yes, please." My hat and gloves could only keep me warm for so long. Sitting in front of the fire with hot chocolate in my hands sounds like one hell of a plan.

Bakugo grabbed my hand and led me to our cabin. Like our previous cabin, we didn't have neighbors for miles. It was peaceful and quiet, which was always great after working so long. It's been a rough couple of weeks.

When we were inside the warm air, we quickly stripped our boots and coats off. They didn't do much to protect us, honestly. I was still soaked from being outside for a few hours.

"I know the tub isn't a nice jacuzzi tub, but it is large enough for the both of us." Relaxing in a bath with him is always one of my favorite things, no matter where we go.

"I guess we better start stripping," I teased while sliding my sweats down, only to reveal another pair of sweats.

He rolled his eyes before grabbing my second pair of sweatpants and yanking them down. "You look like you need some help."

"You haven't even started stripping yet," I said. I want him naked as much as he wants me naked.

"And yet," he trailed his hand up my leg and over the soft bulge in my pants. "You're already getting hard."

How can I not? Does he not understand how sexy he is? How much he turns me on? "It's your fault. I can't help but be excited whenever you're around."

He hummed while slipping his hand under my shirt. His hand was ice cold from our time outside. I tried to step back, but my back hit the door. "What do you want first?" He took a step closer, running his red eyes over my body.

"What are my choices?" I asked.

"Bath, food, or sex."

"All of those are amazing options," I moaned. "How am I supposed to pick which one I want?"

His hand slid back to my waist before gripping the hem of my hoodie and shirt and sliding it over my head. "You're going to get all three. Which one do you want first? Personally, I think a bath should come after sex."

He had me in my boxers with my dick at full attention. Did he really think I was going to pick anything else? "I guess I wouldn't want to have sex on a full stomach."

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