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My eyes fluttered open to the sound of voices in the living area of the cabin. I reached my arm to see if Bakugo was awake, but the bed was empty. His side was still warm, so he probably hadn't been up all that long. I hear three different voices, one of them being Bakugo and one being my mother. The other voice sounds like a woman. His parents are definitely here.

And I'm still in bed, looking lazy and rude.

I sat up slowly, stretching my arms above my head. As I stood up, I brought my hand to my mouth to check my breath. As usual, it wasn't bad. I thank the universe every day that I don't have bad morning breath since I usually don't brush my teeth until after I've had a cup of coffee.

I crossed the room quickly before opening the door. I looked down to make sure I didn't rip my clothes off in the middle of the night before stepping into the hallway. The voices grew louder as I walked into the living area.

"You were the reason the entire building had to evacuate at three in the morning during finals!" Mom said before the room broke out into a laughing fit. Bakugo was the first one to notice me when I entered the room. I probably looked half-dead since I was barely awake. I can survive off of three hours of sleep every night and survive an entire day. Even with a full eight hours of sleep, waking up is another story. I need at least ten minutes before trying to have a normal conversation.

"You must be Izuku!" the man across the room said, which I assume was his father.

"Oh, you're going to have to give him some time," my mother chuckled.

"And at least one cup of coffee," Bakugo added while handing me a cup. There's nothing better than a fresh cup of coffee waiting for you when you roll out of bed.

"Not a morning person?" his mother asked. I still would have known who she was if I had seen her out on the street before today. Bakugo is the spitting image of his mother.

"I just take a while to wake up and get my brain functioning again," I replied. Well, more like slurred. "But, yes, I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you." I brought the cup to my lips and slowly sipped on it. It was still too hot for me to fully drink.

"I'm Mitsuki, and this is Masaru," his mother replied. "Nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you."

"Hopefully, not all of it was bad," I replied. When I told my mom about Bakugo, I told her why we were fighting and how I couldn't stand him. I assume his mom told him the same story.

"The good outweighed the bad," his mom smiled. "It would have been nice to hear more about you, though!" Her voice got louder with every word she spoke while glaring at her son.

"Hag," Bakugo said in a warning tone. She clenched her fists on the counter. "What do you want for breakfast?" Bakugo asked me.

"Did you guys already eat?" I'm not sure how long I was asleep while everyone was out here.

"Yeah, we'll have to stop somewhere and grab more eggs. There's three left if you want them," he replied.

I nodded before taking a long sip from my mug. "Eggs and toast sound fine."

Bakugo nodded while turning to make me some breakfast because, let's face it, I'm a horrible cooker. I could make eggs and toast, but he'll do it quickly, and it will taste a million times better.

"So, Midoriya, how do you manage to put up with my son?" Mitsuki asked.

"I think he's the one that puts up with me," I chuckled. He may sometimes have a temper, but he rarely has one with me. On the other hand, I'm clingy, I mumble way too much, I'm a horrible cook, I'm dramatic, I get an attitude when I'm tired, hungry, or sick, and I'm way too over-emotional sometimes.

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