The Bar Crawl Part One

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"You do realize that we have to work in the morning, right?" Bakugo asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I already asked our bosses if they were okay if we went in a little later or took a half day." I shrugged. I wasn't that stupid. I wasn't going to bring him to a bar crawl across the city if we had to work in the morning.

"And they were okay with that?" He asked with a cocked brow.

"I told them we were bonding." I shrugged. Mic and Aizawa were thrilled to hear that we've been getting along well. They were happy to let us get away with a half day if it meant we were getting to know each other more and working on our issues.

"There are plenty of bars on our side of the city." He said with an amused smile while pulling his ID out of his pocket. "Why did we take a forty-minute cab ride over to this side?"

"Because I didn't want to run into anybody we knew." I shrugged. "Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything going on outside of the city today, so I figured we could do this theme bar crawl. It's not as fun as a small festival or craft fair, but it's still going to be fun."

"There's a theme for this bar crawl?" He asked as we moved further up in line. Since we were only three people away, I pulled my ID and phone out of my pocket.

"It's game night." I smiled. I'm pretty sure he's competitive, so this will be fun. As long as he doesn't flip game boards or throw cards, we'll be good.

"Game night?" He questioned. "I never knew there were theme bar crawls other than Halloween."

"We're going to four bars tonight. This one is an arcade bar, the next is board games, the one after that is card games, and the last is group games and bar games." I informed while pulling our tickets up on my phone.

"What the hell are group games?" He asked. "Aren't most card and board games group games?"

"I'm not sure of everything that will be there, but I know there are Cards Against Humanity, Twister, Charades, Medusa, and flip cup. I assume there's beer pong, but I'm not sure about this one."

"Am I correct in assuming there are drinking rules for every game?" He asked while we stepped up to the bouncer.

"We're about to find out." I shrugged. After the bouncer looked at our IDs and scanned our tickets, we walked into the bar. It was crowded, but it wasn't too loud yet. Once everyone gets more alcohol in their system, I'm sure that will change.

"What are the included drinks?" Bakugo asked while making his way to the bar.

"Three free drinks per location. They take our IDs and keep track that way. Once we've had our third one, they return our IDs."

"Sounds simple enough."

"Are you going to judge me if I get fruity drinks?" I asked nervously. Shinso always made fun of me, but they were so much better than plain beer. Since we drank nothing but beer last night, it doesn't even sound tempting.

He shook his head with a quiet laugh. "I'll probably get a few through the night as well. Why drink plain, cheap beer when we can have top-shelf liquor?"

"What can I get for you two dashing gentlemen?" The bartender asked. Her eyes were roaming up and down Bakugo, not that I could blame her. However, he didn't pay her any attention.

"Can I get a rum and coke?" He asked while handing her his ID.

"And for you?" She asked me.

"A sex on the back porch," I replied while handing her my ID as well. She nodded her head before walking away to make our drinks. Bakugo turned to me with a look of confusion.

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