Another brick in the wall pt3

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Hello all,

It is with deepest sadness and regret that I find myself writing this particular message, it is one I had hoped I would never need to write. Unfortunately, life, if nothing else, is unpredictable and so here I am. I'll not bore you all with a drawn out tale of And You And I's two years worth of publication history, as I've probably managed to sufficiently do that already. Instead, I'll simply say that writing it has been an honour and hands down the best writing experience I've had in my 10+ years of being an author. Kim and Shego will definitely have a permanent residence in my head; rent free, naturally.

Alas, back in April, events in my personal life began to spiral out of control. My wife and I decided to purchase a new home, which eventually turned into the move from hell and is still not over with, work became very hectic and stressful, and individuals who I thought were my friends decided to abandon me. Suffice it to say, as these events unfolded, the amount of time I had to write began to dwindle, until the situation reached a point whereby even if I did have the time, every word I typed became a struggle. Again, I won't bore you with the details of what I tried in order to continue writing AYAI, simply state that things reached a point where the story felt like a noose around my neck and so I couldn't even bring myself to sit down in front of the laptop. Unfortunately, things have not changed, to the point that I am writing this at my PC, as simply sitting down at the laptop has become a toxic space for me and is negatively impacting my mental health.

I guess this brings me to what I have been both dreading and putting off saying: And You And I is now on indefinite hiatus. While I am stopping short of saying the story is over for good, I honestly do not know when or even if I might be able to return to it. I know this is what none of you want to hear and please believe me when I say that I sincerely wish I was not having to post this message, however, I feel that it is not fair to leave you all in the dark any longer. And that it is definitely hurting me far more than anyone else to think that my 'lil one-shot' might never be completed. Aside from the most heartfelt of apologies, the only thing I might be able to offer you all is the publication of the notes I have on how I envisioned the rest of the story playing out. While I do not wish to publish them right now, because a) I would need to do a little work on them to ensure they are up to date, and b) I'm still holding on to the faint hope that I might be able to return to the story, I will seriously consider doing so, if people feel it might give them a bit of closure in regards to how the story might have ended.

Finally, with regards to Spritzers, while it was created as an AYAI community, I am happy to leave it open for people to continue to hang out in, or as an easy way to get in touch with me, if that is something people would like. If not, then maybe the old place has run its course.

Again, I can only express how sorry I am to be posting this message. I wish you all well and maybe I'll see some of you again one of these days.


The KiGo writing bitch


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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