Chapter 02: Born to be wild

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BOOM! The entire evil lair of Dr Drakken, supervillain extraordinaire, shook as the sound of the latest explosion echoed through the complex. From inside the base's locker room, Shego did not even bother to turn her head in the direction from which it had come, let alone run to see what had happened this time. If she were to bother herself with each and every explosion that went off inside the lair, she'd never get anything done.

From out in the main chamber she heard Drakken yelp, "SHEGO!" his voice making him sound like a little girl?

A thin smile played on the raven-haired woman's lips. That'll be operation ultimate-super-hyper-death-ray pushed back another week. She sniggered to herself as a second explosion sounded, this one bigger than the first. Make that two weeks.


Picking up her motorcycle helmet, a black affair with green flames, she sauntered out of the locker room. It was already over an hour past quitting time and no matter what Drakken said, she was going home. After all, it was Friday night and she had a date with some much-needed alcohol. Especially after the week she'd had. With Kimmie indisposed in Germany; dealing with Professor Dementor, she'd been running around stealing things left right and centre for Drakken's latest plan to take over the world. And if the explosions were anything to go by, she'd have to do it all again next week. Crossing the main chamber, headed towards the hanger, her piercing emerald gaze met with a frazzled Drakken and much to her surprise, a still intact ultimate-super-hyper-death-ray. She frowned. If it was still intact, then what had exploded?

"Shego, where on earth were you!" Drakken yelled irately on catching sight of her. He pointed a finger towards his latest contraption. "Operation ultimate-super-hyper-death-ray just blew up the coffee maker and the refrigerator!"

In vain, Shego tried to maintain a straight face as her gaze took in the sight of the exploded coffee maker and refrigerator, but quickly caved and burst out laughing. "Wait a minute, let me get this straight, you yelped like a little girl because your latest death-ray blew up the coffee maker!" She threw her head back and let out a howl of laughter as Drakken's blue face turned red, steam rising from the top of his head.


On noticing a sharp increase of red light from behind the supervillain, Shego's eyes drifted up to the latest incarnation of the death-ray. It seemed her boss had forgotten to turn it off. "If I were you, Dr D, I'd be more worried about the microwave."
Drakken looked at her in confusion. "The microwave? What's wrong with the microwave?"

"Project ultimate-super-hyper-death-ray is about to blow it up," she replied off-handily.


An amused smile danced on Shego's lips as she watched him turn around and yell, "AHH!" Next second there was a bright flash of red light and the microwave exploded.
Drakken ran into the kitchenette and fell to his knees. "Why?" he cried out, cradling two fragments of the very dead appliance in his arms. "She made the best microwaveable burritos." He turned to glare up at his death-ray and shook his fist. "Have you no heart!"

"Obviously not," Shego said sarcastically. "You decided to never use living tissue in your death-rays again after operation organic-death-ray left blood and guts all over the walls when it exploded, remember?"

Drakken shuddered, causing her to snigger. He always was squeamish when it came to blood. "Besides, there's little point crying over a broken microwave, you've got bigger problems to worry about."

The villain got to his feet and rounded on her. "Little point crying over a broken microwave!" he yelled. "That microwave was the..." he stopped abruptly, clearly having noticed the look of contempt on her face. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

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