Chapter 10: It's what we do

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"This way, Shego," the giddy voice of Dr Drakken said as he walked through the open door and past the green-skinned woman.

Shego rolled her eyes as she replied in her most sarcastic of tones, "yeah, because the woman who just snuck into this facility and took out every single occupant without detection doesn't know where she's going." It was no lie. The facility was heavily guarded on the inside, if completely unassuming on the out. Granted, that was the point. Somewhere along the lines, some designer or security officer had cottoned on to the fact that imposing outer defences not only made a secret facility stick out like a sore thumb, but were a magnet for any super-villain looking for a challenge. Thus, this one looked like a simple weather monitoring station on the outside, while inside it was full of now disabled security systems and incapacitated guards. It had taken her hours and here was Drakken strolling in like he both owned the place and that he had done all the work himself. Still, she would have the last laugh this time.

"Shego!" Drakken barked out from somewhere down the multiple flights of stairs, "are you coming?"

"Gonna stay up here and make sure the henchmen don't screw anything up when it comes to unloading the equipment. Wouldn't want your ultimate-super-hyper-death-ray to get damaged in transit, would we." She then quickly changed her tone to a condescending babying one, "because that would make Dr Drakken very upset."

Even though she could no longer see him, Shego knew that steam was now rising from the top of Drakken's blue head as a look of infuriation spread across his face. As if on cue, the man retorted, "FINE! But if anything does break, you're getting the blame!"

"And that's different from any other time because?" she asked, but did not wait for a response. Stepping outside, the green-skinned woman walked over towards the waiting henchmen and began to direct the safe transport of Drakken's equipment. Oh, you would be so pissed off if you ever found out what I'm about to do, Dr D.

Shego leaned back against one of the hover vehicles and pulled a nail file out of the pouch on her leg and began to absentmindedly file the claws on her gloves. After she'd gotten no response from Kimmie when she'd called her the previous week, she had eventually, after a lot of back and forth, come to an agreement with her little devil's advocate that they would do things her way. It had then allowed her the peace of mind to dot around and steal the last remaining components for Drakken's death-ray unhindered. To her surprise, the mad scientist had then managed to get it built and operational by Thursday and it had only cost the lives of two new coffee makers and an icebox.

"Hurry up you lazy bums," Shego yelled as she ignited a hand in glowing green plasma. She smiled to herself as the brief flash of her glow had the desired effect.

When the last henchman trooped inside, she made her way back to the door and closed it tight. She was taking no chances that someone inside would hear what she was about to do, as technically, it probably counted as betrayal. However, Shego did not care. One way or another, Kimmie would show up and Drakken's plan would go the same way as all the others. What did it matter if she showed up a little early? Carefully, she walked around to the far side of the building. In front of her sat a smaller structure with a large radio tower built on top. Ok, Kimmie, time to find out how badly you want to dance with me. She took a few steps towards this second structure. Externally, the facility had few security camera's, which she'd already disabled, save for one. Making sure that she was well within its range, Shego activated her glow and formed two excessively large balls of plasma. It was complete overkill, but the point was to put on a bit of a show. Effortlessly, she hurled them at the building and watched as the whole thing, tower and all exploded with an almighty, KABOOM! She smirked, there, that should have been sufficient enough to have been picked up on satellite. However, just in case, she turned and looked directly up at the sole active camera. She gave it a sassy smile before shooting a ball of plasma straight at it and turning it to slag. With that, she turned to go and join Drakken inside the complex. Here I am, Kimmie, come and get me.

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