Fringes of society (roxanne)

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Being on the fringes on society was very hard for me as a child, first being abducted by aliens repeated about five times that soon all my friends in school deemed me insane. It was hard to see your best friend turn in the bully of the century. It didn't help that I was big chested as a kid and soon was targeted for that. I shave off all my hair in college and soon wear fau leather and became the tormentor instead. I was intelligent and graduated from college but with a few fights in my record, right after college I was recruited into the FBI, but still wore my tough girl leather and bald head. But the society I was supposed to protect I was still on the fringes off. I was able to control my temper and forget that even existed but still it would show when someone called me mulder or scully in reference of my past. Usually I was being repremended for my reactions.
As far as love was concerned I was a tough bitch, first my father left me and my mentally ill mom when I was 5 and then she emotionally neglected me with giving in to her illness or the bottle. She called me all kinds of disgusting names when I never even had sex before. It affected me in other relationships both romantic and friendship wise. I was cold to the friends I did have. Nor did I care. In college I was around the block meaning I was homeless but made it too my classes.I was a force of nature and someone not to mess with.
When I was training in the FBI I was the best student but did not have to worry to be homeless, I was once proud when I held my FBI badge and took the final oath.....but homeless still bothered me. I was either in my car or in my office.
I was my proud to be an FBI agent.... But when trying to interrogate people I got rough with people, except for the victims. I could relate with the victim as I was one a couple of times.
One girl who was of my age was nearly the victim of a serial killer she said she felt safe with me. She enough said I was beautiful in a goth sort of way. She stood up and then kissed me.
"So beautiful and perfect," she said. That girl was Lilly.
We kinda talked as if on date and soon we were a couple.
I remember making love to her that I would protect her. I would drive by: some time stopping to be with Lilly. We had been in love that was until I learned that she was being forced to marry a mobster. She begged me to protect her. I told her I would prevent this but she ended up having to marry the asshole and he killed at first fight. When I learned of this, I was sad but had to swallow it and handed my self....not to care about anyone. I was emotionally rough with the victims too. Since then I never experienced love and was in missed Lilly.
I can still feel her embrace. But a toughen up.
That was when I was going on MySpace sign up when I decided to To set up a sultry profile.I was just trying to find my friends and try to repair anything when a cute 17 year old girl, goth and beautiful, was starting to talking to me and added me.I was Roxanne and she was Mary.
So I started talking to her and soon felt less lonely. When I saw all her pics I decided she was the one for, me...... and imed her that she was for me. Plus she was interested in being in FBI, when she realized my job. I was 24 she was 17. I thought It was an online fling we would never meet.
That is until
"Would like to meet up"marry suggested
"My job is very dangerous"
But there we still talked.

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