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"Mary who is that" I screamed at her.  Before mick dreamy came across us she was heavily in love with me.   I was getting into a fight with Mary who I accused her for not having integrity.
She was crying quietly and and was saying to her self "he's just a friend"
"Where you meet me other than MySpace mary."
I was tempted to hit mary for the first  time.
"Fuck!" My parent said under Hua breath as he went to confront the bank robber.  He had to be gentle about everything and and took him in.  
Mary and the crook sat beside eachother only difference she was free physically but he wasn't.    Both  were crying one because she was  cheating on me and he was caught.
I requested a polygraph test dor mary.
When mary heard her name and the word liedetector she was whaling sobbing.
"If you want to be with me you will pass the lue detector."
"Please don't"
"How where you looking at him." I yelled and said that I am not woman enough dor her.
"He's just a friend"
I slapped her right there to make her sense of reality.  Soon I was personally administering the polygraph and causing her undo stress.
When she was done with the test.   That was the last time I saw her.   The sheer sadness in her eyes.
"Roxanne I love you but your obsessed"
I tried to explain but shebwalk back on her one. 
That night I slept with out her on my desk.  But not before telling her I loved her own MySpace.   As I sent the message  she disappeared l.   She blocked me.   How could she.   I slept on my desk literally coming out of drug withdrawal. Her sweet kisses and touches being my drug and reason to live.   When the cleaning lady left I yelled her name out...  mary!
Soon I was having dreams of her gently loving smile and her addicting kisses.
It was as if our love never stopped.
Was I as  ill as my mother.   Accept for being prohibitionist.  Dud I love love her to much.   
Soon she sending me suicide notes threatening if I talk to her in an form that she would die.
I tore those notes as I wept.  She gave me good times and special moments. And now it no more.
I even got her mother who did give a shit at the beginning tell me that her daughter has moved on and that I didn't know what love was
I missed her dearly and she wasn't in my grasp.   My loving hands.  I wish I wasn't on stake out where this goof jack was    but that was toxic what under the bridge.    
Would have I been give to love her, touch he soft flesh and kiss her soft sweet lips again.
I was going mad but I couldn't afford living in my car again the Hoover building aas now my home and prison.   I couldn't afford to loss anything.
So I started apartment hunting and trying to better my self.   Hoping win mary back but  nothing.
When I got an apartment  quite near Mary's I tried my best to write letters saying that I was bettering my life style.

I saw her many time on the way to work,  wish it was her that was going to be with me.   But she was always with Jack.   One day I got home I saw that there was a letter with her address on it.

Where did I meet Jack Bobbi.   I met him in a couple of fan clubs on MySpace and realized we lived in the same complex.   And went to the same school and class year.   He was into x files and FBI history if that comforting to you.   He is goth and my age.   I will remeber the good times but need to move on from you Roxanne
Please d9nt be angry with Jack Bobbi or me
I still love you but not in love with you anymore.   Please understand

When I read that letter there was not closure.   I felt ad If a piece of me had died.  Why because I was jealous and enraged to the depth of DNA trying to understand.   But the depth of the rage I couldn't understand  her as she pleaded with me.

There was a post script.    It said.  You are welcome to my life as a Friend "

Friend.....  she was my one and only but wouldn't late that be.  But took the welcome part.
I went to see her and this jackass        but I was in for a rude awakening.
When I got there she had when from seni goth to total goth...... had more piercing and she and Jack Bobbi or hackass I as mentally referred to him as was in her room.....which didn't look like there room I was in.

"Jack Bobbi,"  he awkwardly stuck out his hand. "Some just call me Bobbi."     He seemed to be on the spectrum.   I can see they even avoided eye contact.
"Roxanne " I shoke  his hand.
"Nice to meet you"
I soon left

FBI agent Where stories live. Discover now