Ryan PoV
Today I'm really nervous it's my first performance in front of everyone's parents we are doing a small part from pirates and the Caribbean I'm playing jack sparrow daddy's favourite he haven't gone on tour yet it's in June something like that. Mummy helped me got ready daddy was at rehearsals he hasn't came yetMummy - hey sweetheart don't worry he'll be here if he doesn't come you can have your revenge I nodded my head uncle Ross - good luck Ryan !
Uncle rocky - yeah good luck they gave me a big hug. As I waited nervously for my turn and daddy to turn upRiker PoV
Damn it ! It's Ryan's play today I rushed to his school and tried to find Hazel I found Ross
Riker - bro where's Ryan I panicked
Ross - come I'll take you he took me to Hazel who was talking to herself I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist she jumped she turned around and slapped my armRiker- what was that for she just shrugged and carried on eating a packet of Oreos she shoved one in my mouth and smiled.
Ryan - dadddyy he came running over and hugged me
Riker- oh my you look like jack sparrow I picked him up and spun him around and placed him back on the ground He giggled and then ran off to got ready. I grabbed hazels hand and went to sit down with the rest of my familyRiker - Hazel can I have one more ? I whispered she looked at me and nodded her head before shoving one in to my mouth again
Riker- I'm going to get you !
Rydel- Riker shhh it starting she yanked my sleeve as she got her camera ready.Half way through
Hazel PoV
Riker - when is he coming on ? He whispered
Hazel - any minute now I whispered back . Ryan finally came he was so cute father like son Riker was saying the lines as Ryan was talking. As they finished they did an dance to he's a pirate. We all cheered and clapped
Our hands I felt sick I tugged rikers arm
Hazel- I'm gonna got to the toilet he smile turned to a frown he nodded his head and came with me .As soon as I entered the toilet I threw up great!
Riker- ssshhh it okay he rubbed my back after I was finished I cleaned my mouth and headed back while Riker held my hand rubbing it trying to calm me down.Ross had Ryan on his shoulders
Ross - I'm taking you to an audition during next week I promise
Ryan - yes I'm gonna famous if I can't be with you everything I eat is tastlest
Ross- if I can't be with you
They both sang he placed him down he came running over hugged me
Ryan - mummy you okay ?
I nodded my head and gave him s weak smiled
Riker- come on let's go out and celebrate we went to McDonalds and ordered all the food and went home Rydel and Ross went to get brownies and ice cream they all stayed over in our house except for stormie and Mark they went home cause nobody was home. I squeezed rikers every time the baby kicked.
Hazel- rikey I'm really tired make sure the kids get in bed he nodded head he picked up bridal style
Riker- owe my back im never doing that again !
Hazel-but you love me
I massaged his back until I was about to go to sleep rose came running in to our room
Rose- mummy I sqeared onsteerer ( mummy I scared monster ) she said tearfully her bottom lip trembled Riker held her in his arms rocked her side to side and fell asleep
Riker- this one thing that I won't have on tour he chuckled he took his shirt of and held Rose against his chest as all three of us drifted of to sleep.

My hero (Riker & Ross)
Fiksi PenggemarRiker is 23 who has two kids and is married Ross is 19 who is dating. They both have joined the military do they resign and carry on with their career? Read to find out