Hazel PoV
I open the door to reveal my two cousins Spencer and HannahSpencer - hey she hugged me
Hazel - hey I hugged them both really tight
Hazel - when did you guys come ?
Hannah - just now duh now let us she ran inside and picked up the kids
Spencer - so where's lover boy and when you due ? She laughed
Hazel - on tour and it just turned two months
She nodded her head and returned to the kids.It was getting late I took Rose gave her a bath and tucked her in
Hazel - Ryan come on get changed you've got school tomorrow
Ryan - do I have to
Hazel - I want you to be a clever little cute Mr . Lynch he hugged me I ruffled with his hair gave him a kiss
Ryan - night momma
Hazel - night munchkinAs I walked out
Hannah - we will make ourselves comfy in the guest room night
Spencer - night big Cousin
Hazel - you to sleep well treat it like your own house
They nodded there head and set of I walked on to my room closed the door and lay down snuggling in to Rikers pillow and fell asleep~A week later ~
Ryan PoV
I woke up a bit early it was nearly 8 clock I checked my phone day had textedDad - I'm coming home on Friday it's not the world tour just yet another two weeks with you guys and band rehearsals but don't tell mummy I wanna it to be a secret.
Ryan - okay Dady 💋
Daddy - thanks buddy have a good day ! 😘
Ryan - you too
I put my phone down on charger washed my face daddy coming back in three days time I put on my black skinny jeans and a white top and a leather jacket I went to wake mummy up
Ryan - mummy I whispered but no answer I walked closer to her and shook her gently
Ryan - mummy she slowly opened her eyes
Mummy- oh damn I forgot about school she got up quickly got dressed she fed me breakfast and off we went school
Mummy - have a good day sweetie I'll pick you up at 3:00 on the dot she kissed my cheek and then drove of I walked in to school to see my friends playing.Riker PoV
Rocky - you know this isn't a work tour yet
Riker - what do you mean ?!
Dad - calm down son you've got another two weeks rest with your family and were are only going to do rehearsal 2 to 3 times a day I hugged dad and then sat on his lap
Rydel - wait let me send this to Hazel she took a picture couple minutes later Hazel texted meHazel - aww 🙊👶🏼💋 my big baby boy
Riker - 😊😂💋🙈 thank you, how are you ?
Hazel - good my cousins are staying over
Riker - don't have too much with out me 😘😎
Hazel - I wouldn't dare to 😌 I gotta go baby xxx
Riker - cya 😭💋
I put my phone down and played with Ryland on the Xbox
Rocky - I'm bored and hungry
Mum- I told you to eat Rocky !
Rydel - guys come on get ready we are going in 10!We quickly got changed and went to our concert
Hazel PoV
It's 2pm Rose is sat on the edge of my lap
Hannah - Hazel you want anything to eat ?
Hazel - no thanks I'm full
They both nodded there head and went out somewhere I don't know
Rose - mama ? She said as she played with my hands
Hazel - yeah Rose what's wrong?
She started crying all of a sudden she lay down and touched her tooth I got up and got the bon-gel
Hazel - Rosey open your mouth this will help you
Rose- mama it urts she cried harder I stroked her cheek
Hazel - shhhhh go to sleep it'll help I kissed her cheek as she feel sleep. I got up and got two cans of soda and Doritos I know don't judge! After I was finished I picked Rose up grabbed the car keys and set of to pick up Ryan I parked and waited until he came out .Ryan - mum open the door !
I opened the door he came and sat down I drove home fed Ryan he did his homework Rose stayed asleep Hannah and spencer were face timing Rydel and Riker face timed meRiker - hey what's wrong ? His smiled turned to a frown
Hazel - nothing I smiled
Riker - tell me the truth
Hazel - one second I picked up Rose she started crying she stopped until she saw Riker
Riker- what's wrong sweetie? She pointed at her tooth and started crying again I gave her some Medicine and wrapped her up
Hazel - Rikey what's wrong
Riker - I wanna be there right now ! He pouts I giggled at his cuteness we talked and talked until he fell asleep until I drifted of to sleep as well.

My hero (Riker & Ross)
FanfictionRiker is 23 who has two kids and is married Ross is 19 who is dating. They both have joined the military do they resign and carry on with their career? Read to find out