Riker PoV
I woke up,wrapping my arms around the most beautiful women that was ever gifted to me she snuggled deeper in to my chest and hugging me tightly. I smiled I was about to go but she held on to tighter. I kissed her forehead and fell back asleep .
Later on that day we woke up really late by Ray crying I got up and cradled him fed him and changed his nappy. Until someone wrapped there hands around my waist and kissed my shoulder I turned around,picked her up she wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me we both pulled back she smiled sheepishly I tickled her she giggled and she pinched my cheek
Riker - owww I whined
Hazel - sorry she pouted and kissed my cheek and rubbed it.
Rose - dada nd mama I wuv u she held her arms out I put down Hazel on the bed and picked Rose up and tickled her she started laughing and crying at the same time i automatically stopped
Riker - what's wrong ? I asked in a worried voice she cried even more Hazel shot up and grabbed her inhaler and slowly she inhaled it in and out
Hazel - you feel better she nodded her head and rested her head on my chest I stroked her soft silky blonde hair As stabled her breathing. Hazel , was shaking she drank some water and took some pills she looked at me and smiled
Hazel - do you guys want breakfast since the other three are asleep she picked up an donut and munched on it
Riker - yeah let me go and have a shower I lay rose down and hopped in the shower.Hazel PoV
Riker went to the shower I got another present out which had his favourite sweets and savoury food in it. I lay down with rose who was watching Austin and ally in Rikers laptop. Couple minutes later he came back and lay beside me holding the basket like an little child
Riker - what's this ? He questioned rose climbed on top of him I closed his laptop and put it on the nightstand.
Hazel - just open it will you !! Rose was jumping up and down well someone is eager to eat I thought to myself . He finally opened it and he placed it down rose was going trough it finding something for herself to eat mean while I was getting attacked by Riker by kisses and hugs.Rose - ohhh pips she giggled all three of us just giggled along with Rose we finally catches our breath I was kinda getting worried about Ryan he's been asleep for so long I got checked his temperature it was a bit high he had two blankets on top of him I took one of and kiss his forehead. I changed Ryder nappie and fed him since he was up he was awake I sat in the bed and held him, he was staring at me with his big beautiful eyes he held on too my finger I grabbed my phone and took a picture and posted it in Instagram it's been ages
Hazelr5 : my little baby boy 💋😘👶🏼
I placed my phone down Riker was munching away on Doritos with rose Ryder was smiling away as I scrunched up my nose and pulled a funny face I kissed his cheek and held him really close to me, this was the first time he had his eyes open for long
Hazel - Rikey I want an Oreo please he nodded his head and put the packet next to me. I got up and placed Ryder back in his cot.I returned to eat my Oreo Ryan walked over rubbing his eyes and laying in my lap
Hazel - baby what's wrong ?
Ryan - mummy i don't feel good I stroked his I got him up and gave him some water and some nurefen he went back to sleep it was 1:30pm Riker held my hand I don't know why but I was stressing out he randomly kissed me with my mouthful I whacked his shoulder I finally swallowed and caught my breath
Hazel - Riker ! What was that for I whined
Riker - because I love you so much I can't live without you he kissed me one more time
Rose - ewaa dada she giggled someone knocked on the door Riker went to open it while I tried to get rose dressed
Mark - sorry to bother you son but we're going over to your mum parents house he informed Riker he shut the door and got in the bathroom. I quickly got changed and woke Ryan upRiker - I'll get him changed he picked him and took him to the toilet I packed everything I needed the twins nappies and everything and we were off.
Rydel PoV
We all got on the tour bus there were two so other guys go on the other one I helped Hazel with the twins Riker took care of the other two.
Rydel - soo haz how was last night i placed the kids down in the room that Riker was in and headed out
Hazel - it was good she smiled
Rydel - hmmm you sure she nodded her head
Hazel - you can go to Ratliff if you want I'll manage
Rydel - are you sure she nodded her head I said my good byes and went to the other tour bus I finally found Ratliff in his bunk I took my shoes if and snuggled up next to him and kissed his cheek before I fell sleep.Riker PoV
Hazel sat done next to me the kids fell asleep. I held her hand and went thought my phone my stomach rumbled really loud
Hazel - you hungry?she asked I nodded my head she go up and made sandwiches for herself and me
Riker - thank you I ate my sandwich after I was finished I got up washed my plate and grabbed a fun size of Mnms and started to eat them as we both watched a movie together and held each other really close.Ryan PoV
I got up and saw mummy and daddy watching TV I tossed and turned in hungry I got up and walked to my bag I got my sandwich out washed my hands and sat down next to mum and slowly ate
Mum - hey baby she kissed my cheek
Ryan - hey mum dad ruffled with my hair I ate my sandwich and sat on dads LapHazel PoV
We arrived at Colorado at 9pm and the kids were fast asleep riker and I took them inside the house was warm as anything I could cosy up and fall asleep on the spot Rydel bursted into telling us to go out but I wasn't in the mood I dragged myself to get changed I did have a weird feeling about this.
Riker - come on let's go ! I put my shoes on and ran down the stairsWe were at a weird party I gripped on to Rikers hand really tight trying so hard from his hand slipping out of mine
Riker - do you wanna ditch the party and go somewhere quite I nodded my head and he took me to the beach where there was a table for two and food we both sat down I was really tired and tried not to show it
Riker - baby you okay ?
Hazel - yup why ? I got a spoon and fed him the cake
Riker - you seem tired
Hazel - I slowly nodded my head he got up and placed me in his lap I hugged him and snuggled my head in to his neck as he sang to me.Rydel PoV
Ryan - auntie delly
Rydel - yeah buddy
Ryan - I want to go to sleep I grabbed his hand and took him to his bunk for him changed and in bed he fell asleep straight away rose was watching tv I quickly changed the twins and fed them and they fell asleep straight away just like Riker I chuckled to myself and went back to rose
Rydel - rose sweetie aren't you tired ?
Rose - noo she nodded her head it was nearly 11:00 pm and Riker and Hazel weren't back I was just about to phone them when they walked in Hazel looked really drained out along with Riker they thanked me rose quickly got changed ate and got in bed I left them guys to be . When I got in the tour bus I snuggled up with Ratliff smelling his new cologne trying to fall asleep .

My hero (Riker & Ross)
FanfictionRiker is 23 who has two kids and is married Ross is 19 who is dating. They both have joined the military do they resign and carry on with their career? Read to find out