Riker pov
Our plane finally landed in LA we grabbed our luggage and pilled in to the car as we were heading home I rang Ryan school to see if he was in but he wasn't I ask the recpcinoset why she said he had a really bad bug or I dont mean to be rude its farthers day as well so I don't I said tganks for your helo and hung up.
The car pulled up infront of my driveway the blinds were still done I waved goodbye and opened the door I put my packbag near the stair case and headed upstairs. Frist in to Ryans he was asleep with a very high temperature I gave him a kiss and then headed to roses room I walked over she was pretending to be asleep I picked her up and cradled her
Riker - hey sweetie its daddy I cooed she removed her hands to reavel a big smile I carried her to our bedroom she ran to her mum and lay down beside her I took of my top ajd sliooed on some tracki bottoms I lay down beside Hazel and hugged her she snuggked closer I looked at the time it was 9:03Am Hazel slowly fluttered her eyes open
hazel - Riker! when did you get here ! she kissed me
Riker - I missed you soooo much !
Rose - dada icky she pointed at me and Hazel we chuckled , lay down all three of us drifed of to sleep.Ryan pov
I'm cold my throat hurts my head hurts I check the time 11am I got out of bed and headed to the toilet I was in for a treat ,I puked untill I felt someone warms hands on my back rubbing it in circuls
dad - hey ssshhh let it all out you'll feel better I cleaned my mouth and gave dad a big hug
Ryan - dada my throat hurts
Dad - come let's give you some medicine he picked me up and took me down placed me on the counter and gave me the throat medicine
Dad - feeling any better I nodded my head slightly I feel sleepy agian I wrapoed my arms around daddys neck and fell asleep whike he pkaced me in bed
daddy - sleep tight kiddo he kissed my cheek and left .✖️One week later ✖️
Hazel PoV
Later that day Riker has band practice ,I gave Ryan his medicine and made him wear more fluffy comfortable clothes
Ryan - daddy he made grabby hands Riker picked him up and cradled his we all got ready and set of to stromies house .As soon as we got there Courtney and rydel attack us with Hugging while Courtney took the kids I helped Rydel for the concert they had tonight.
Mark - kids are you ready
They all got in a circle you could tell Riker was in his moment because he was rocking out some moves
Ryan - giggles mummy, daddy funny !
Riker stopped and looked at me and gave me a glare which went totally wrong he ended up laughing at Ryan at what was he doing
Riker - oh so you were laughing at that he started copying Ryan
Mark - Riker Anthony Lynch get on stage his dad chuckled he gave me a quick kiss and went on stage I sat down next to stormie who was platting her hair.Ross PoV
Ross - thank you guys for coming I screamed through the mic we ran of stage cooled ourselves down
Ryan - uncle Ross Q&A time I picked him up and took him on stage where the fans went wild like really wild. Ryan buried his head in to my chest and covered his ears I sat down on the stool next to RydelFan - hey Ryan can you say hello please
Ryan - hello he said shyly the fans went awwww
Fan - Riker , are happy for the twins on the way ?
Riker - yeah excited but yes I will be on tour quite a lot so yeah
Rydel - can't wait to have another nephew or niece
Rocky - yeah it'll be awesome
Ross - yeah I'm kinda looking forward to it so I can spend more quality time with them because of the pass you know we where in the army and we didn't get so them that much but I love my niece and nephew to bits I love you guys !We carried on asking questions until it was time to go we got home and straight back to rehearsal it was only me in the room so I could learn my lines and then we were done I'm so excited for tour .
Riker PoV
We came home quickly got changed in to our nights snuggled up on the couch to watch lots of movies Hazel . Ryan was practicing to be me so he signed up for a small role in a movie he was learning his linesRose - dada
Riker - yeah sweetie
Rose - I wuv u dada she kissed my cheek
Hazel - I love you to rikey
They both kissed my cheek it's good to be home.

My hero (Riker & Ross)
FanfictionRiker is 23 who has two kids and is married Ross is 19 who is dating. They both have joined the military do they resign and carry on with their career? Read to find out