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☽ Welcome to the WITCHWOOD AWARD 2022! ☾

First of all we would like to thank all of you who found their way here and are interested in our award!

This will be our first own award and we are already looking forward to your participation! Even though it will be only a mini award for now, we plan to hold more next year :) We would like to give you the opportunity to show your wonderful works, to compete and maybe to be rewarded with a nice prize!

Please remember: you have created beautiful works! We never stop learning and through every criticism and every stumble you gain new insights to develop further. Maybe it will work out at the next award ♡

If you know someone who might be interested in this award, please mark the user and invite him.

We wish you a wonderful day ... and now enough of words ;)

Let's continue with the details in the following chapters!

✯ Your SecondStar_Books - Team ✯

Witchwood-Award 2022 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now