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Hawk and y/n got in a huge argument. He thought he was cheating on her because she was being weird and hanging around demetri and Miguel way more than she usually does. He said somethings he didn't mean like implying she was a slut. He didn't mean it and when he found out she was only hanging out with them more to surprise him on his birthday he felt so guilty. He was actually hurting himself that's how much he hates himself. He's been punching walls until his knuckles bleed and kicking things until his foot couldn't take it anymore
Y/n has been avoiding him every way she could. Not answering his calls or texts and walking past him like he isn't there when he tries to talk to her but if she did look at him Instead of pretending he isn't there she would see the guilt clear on his face.
Y/n walked into school and found herself looking for hawk. She wanted to talk to him now. She's starting to realize it did look sus and he had rights to think something was going on but the slut thing she doesn't know if she can forgive.
She saw him approaching her but he looked terrible he was limping, his knuckles were all busted up, he looked worn out and tired and he had super puffy eyes and dark circles under his eyes and his hair wasn't even up in a mohawk and red cheeks. He looked like he was in pain.
" Eli are you okay" she asked concerned.
He didn't say anything just hugged her.
" Babe I am so sorry. I should never of said those things to you. I should of listened because deep down I know you can never cheat on me but I'm scared someone better will come along and you'll want them and not me. I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm sorry. I love you" he cried into her shoulder. He didn't even care about his hawk persona right now he just wanted y/n back.
" Babe it's okay. I should of tried to understand why you thought that. Now I understand why and I'm sorry I didn't listen" she said holding his injured hand gently.
" No princess you did nothing wrong. What you did was so sweet and kind and I ruined it. So please don't apologize" he said stroking her cheek with his injured hands.
" It's okay I forgive you but next time we fall out or you make a mistake please don't hurt yourself just talk to me" she said knowing what he's like when he's angry especially at himself.
" Okay princess I will. I love you" he said.
" I love you too" she said.

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