Chapter 2

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Meanwhile with one of Jaune sister
A blonde hair age 22 woman stood their training her magic

Meanwhile with one of Jaune sisterA blonde hair age 22 woman stood their training her magic

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This was Joan Arc one of Jaune sister. Why was she training. Well when the sister disappeared was caused by both Jaune and izuku to retrieve them for safety concern. Right now Joan was preparing her weapon at table as she was learning to control her magic as she stood by watching her brother new mother Avery train them

"I need to control my powers incase my younger brother need help." Joan thought

Joan then saw izuku and Avery appeared as she knew her training was beginning again

With Salem and her inner circle

Salem was sitting looking angry at the reports of the Jaune Arc and his 7 sister disappearance ever since Jaune left beacon and went of the map

"Where did the oldest of the arc children to youngest have disappear. The parent are here so where are the children." Salem said angrily as she couldn't lose her family not again after what happened with her and Ozma as she paced around the throne room until cinder enter with a hurry and excited look

"My lady Jaune Arc has return from his disappearance. He is currently at Beacon/" Cinder said as Salem turned towards her with a look of surprise and excitement at her follower hearing that her grandson has returned

"Are you certain Cinder that he has returned." Salem asked as Cinder nodded to her mistress

"Yes I saw him entering beacon today. Ozpin may know about the family." Cinder said as Salem cursed internally seeing that Ozpin has her grandson on his side.

"Your mission is to find a way to retrieve Jaune arc and also to retrieve the fall maiden power is that understood." Salem said as cinder nodded "however the main objective is to retrieve Jaune arc."

"I understand my lady." Cinder said as Salem nodded

"Good follow your mission and do not fail me." Salem said as cinder bowed

"As you wish mistress." Cinder said as she prepares to go to beacon as Salem heard footstep as someone entered the throne room

" Cinder said as she prepares to go to beacon as Salem heard footstep as someone entered the throne room

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