Prologue: Arc No More

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(SHIT I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!! I luckily had this story backed up on microsoft . I was drunk

Here is the betrayal scene again to the prologue (I accidentally deleted it...I was drunk okay. It Happens.

This is a scenario that me and ryuujin555 came up with

Before he returns to beacon

Jaune was sitting and meditating thinking about his life choices and responsibilities that lead him down his path of being a pro hero. He remembered it where it all started, when he first took up the mantle of a huntsman before he was betrayed and was given a new home and family.


Jaune had saved Cardin life from the Ursa Major and killed some of the ancient Grimm which made Cardin jealous but Cardin promised to never bully him again which Jaune accepted however due to Cardin jealousy. Cardin decided to hurt Jaune by revealing to everyone that Jaune's transcripts were fake . Everyone in their first semester turned against him, hated him and wanted him gone. Jaune explained his reason why he faked his ways to the other students Some of the second year student were still conflicted with him but some of them also along with the third and fourth year student understood his reasons and also revealed that transcripts were not needed to actually join beacon. In fact some of them begin to help train him which he was grateful. However despite his upper class-men support he had lost what was important to him that it broke him. First, Ren Pyrrha and Nora started to harm him both physically and mentally whenever they had the chance in and out of class for faking his way in. He at first had Team RWBY supporting him a little bit but suddenly they started to shunned him for unknown reasons. Weiss was the first, followed by Yang and Blake and finally Ruby. His parent disowned him despite his older and younger sister please not abandoning him however the parent did not listen and had Crocea Mors return to them as he was no longer an Arc in his parent eyes. This caused his sisters to begin open defiance against their parents. Jaune would be target by first year so bad that Team CFVY and Team JAGM would be with Jaune constantly to make sure he doesn't get hurt. (AU Team JAGM knew Jaune older sisters and we're friend with them and have babysit Jaune multiple times)

Jaune was walking from class to his dorm to finally grab his thing to move into team CFVY Room when someone punch him in the face as he held his face as Ren stood their looking their angry

"Why are you her you fake." Ren said angrily

"To get my stuff." Jaune said as Nora looked at his stuff on his bed grabbing it and walking towards the window and toss it

"There it is now go get it you bastard." Nora said as Jaune look heartbroken seeing the one who he consider a sister abandoned him too

"You can't just throw away my stuff without asking us." Jaune said while looking at the stuff Nora tossed out

"I don't care about your stuff I only cared that you lied to us. You betrayed us with your fake transcript" Nora said angrily

"I just wanted to follow my family legacy!" Jaune said while glaring at Nora, Ren and Pyrrha

"Well if that's true then why didn't you tell us?" Ren asked while glaring at Jaune

"Because I knew that once we found out that I wouldn't have any friends and be alone again like how I felt before coming here." Jaune said as he glared at Nora, Ren and Pyrrha

"We're not going to let you destroy our dreams because you faked your way!" Nora yelled at Jaune

"You don't deserve to be there. Pyrrha said

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