Chapter 11

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Jaune was with Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda, and James Ironwood as they were discussing about Nara

"This is a disaster she has become to strong." James said angrily

"Your right but what we can do?" Qrow asked

"We have to kill her. If not we will never get rid of the threat she poses." Ironwood answered

"I agree with that but the problem is what her goal in Salem master plan." Glynda said worriedly

"That the problem we don't know how much power she got or what she planning for next. We just have to be careful while dealing with her. She is gone to crazy and now she is after Jaune again with new semblance" Ironwood replied

"How do you know all this I haven't told you about her semblance?" Jaune asked curiously

"Because she killed several of my men and was laughing how you will be hers." James replied coldly

"She need to be dealt with immediately she remember most of her memory return it only a matter of time before she tell Salem about our world colliding" Ozpin said seriously

"You are right I am sure she already suspect something like that" Jaune agreed

"If I may speak." Qrow interrupted "We should prepare Beacon students...if Nara is stronger then training them to fight harder against her might be good idea."

"Yeah that would be good idea....If Nara doesn't have multiple quirks and semblance along with magic." Jaune said angrily

"What she has 4 semblance?!" Ozpin shouted loudly "That's impossible! There no way she can have 4 semblance." Ozpin said

"I saw it with my own eyes." Jaune said surprised

"Alright then lets start preparing the students for Nara." Ironwood said

"Yes sir!" Qrow replied

"Now there is one more thing we have to deal with" Ozpin said seriously "Nara is the second strongest being on Remnant.

"Does she have any weakness." Qrow asked to Jaune

"Nope beside her drawback on her quirks. I don't know for her semblance" Jaune said sadly

"So what does this mean for us? What are we going to do about her?" Qrow asked

"Nothing we can do about her except killing her if she gets too powerful." Ironwood replied

"Well that's why we must deal with Nara first so we can train our students." Qrow said calmly

"And also to make sure everyone here is safe from Nara." Glynda added

"Agreed...She must be dealt with first" James said and walked away leaving Jaune, Qrow, Ozpin and Glynda behind

"Nara...she is really getting on my nerves..." Jaune said quietly

"Don't worry you'll beat her." Ozpin said confidently at his grandson

"Yeah I hope so she is starting to become a major threat!" Jaune replied seriously "It only a matter of time before she become insanely more dangerous villain much more dangerous then her former twin brother" Jaune said

"But she is still not that strong right Jaune... do you have any idea one of her semblance" Glynda asked as Jaune kept quiet and sighed

"One of them she can control Grimm. I guess one species from each" Jaune said sadly "I wonder if there any way to stop her from doing that... she also can control darkness"

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