chapter 16 | a photo to remember

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Helloo- my sorry for not posting any chapter's 😭 I had no motivation and was lazy. If you have any chapter ideas please tell me, and sorry for not doing a Halloween special, Christmas special and new years special! I had no motivation. And *this* means in a call.
But now let's start!

─── 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚。 ───

Your POV

You prepared the table, when you were done you called the creepypasta's

You all ate peacefully, if you count Ben annoying Jeff, slenderman and zalgo fighting with each other, peaceful, again.

You were done eating first, you placed your plate in the sink and decided to wash it later.

You were too lazy to do it. You went upstairs and decided to call Elias while laying down on your bed. He picked up almost right away.

Elias: *Hey Y/n! I was beginning to think you forgotten about me!*

You: *I sort of did to be honest, why didn't you called me though?*

Elias: *Oh, cause.... i was busy! Yeah, i was busy!*

You: *Really? Are you sure your not lying?~ I let it slide, for now. Lets just get to know each other. Lets play 20 questions. I go first. Whats your favorite color?*

Elias: *My favorite color is lavender! What is your favorite color?*

Route one

If its your favorite color is not lavender.

You: *Oh! Its f/c!*

Elias: *Oh, cool. Not as good as lavender though.*

You: *Gasp, how dare you!*

Elias: *Did you just say gasp instead of actually gasping?*

You: *Yes.*

Elias.: *Okay... your turn now!*

If your favorite color is lavender.

You: *Its lavender as well!*

Elias: *Glad you agree! It is the best color!*

You: *Yes, it is the best color!*

Elias: *Its your turn now by the way!*

Route over.

You: *When's your birthday?*

Elias: *Hm, August 12!*

Elias: *My question is, when's your birthday?*

Another route.

If your birthday is not on August 12

You: *Oh! It's 'insert birthday'*

Elias: *Cool! Anyways, it's your turn now!"

If your birthday is on August 12

You: *Oh My God! It's the same! Its also on August 12!*

Elias squeals from the phone.

Elias: *YES! birthday twins! Let's celebrate our birthday together!"

You: *Sure, that sounds fun. I wouldn't mind it.*

Elias: *Alright! Then, that's a plan! By the way, it's your turn now.*

Routes over

You: *Oh, right. Uh, so, do you know the owl house?*

Elias: *I in fact do! It's an amazing show right!*

You: *Absolutely! Too bad it got cancelled though.*

Elias: *Yeah... It was my favorite show as well.*

Elias: *gotta go now, see you soon Y/n! *

You: *Alright, bye Elias*

End of call.

You sighed a bit bored, you were pretty bored now. You didn't even finish your's and Elias's twenty questions game.

"Oh well..." You mutter quietly to yourself while going down stairs. Only to see sally and some of the creepypasta's helping her trying to place her plates on the sink and the others are trying to stop them.

You chuckled a bit at this scene while talking a picture. You picked Sally up before she fell and said in a calm, and kind time. "Sally! that's dangerous, don't do that, okay?"

"But...." Sally was cut off by you when you said. "No buts, you could've hurt yourself." Sally just nodded, a bit sadly.

You sighed and told Sally. "It's alright, just don't do it again." Sally seemed to cheer up at this, when you placed Sally down you looked at the Creepypasta's who were helping her.

"I'm not mad, just disappointed." You said while the creepypasta's you were scolding were looking down on their.

"I thought you guys knew better to be honest..." You said, while chuckling. They were confused on why you were laughing.

"It's alright, the scene was wholesome, I even got a picture." You showed your phone with the picture.

They gasped and try to tell you to delete it and other things to make you delete it. You shook your head, but sigh and 'delete' it.

When they left, you chuckled a bit to yourself quietly. 'Did they really think I would actually delete it?' You thought to yourself before going back to your room and looking at the picture, you smiled a bit while looking at the picture. Maybe life isn't that bad after all. There may be challenges, but it won't be that bad if your with them...

─── 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚。 ───

I am so sorry that I haven't been posting any new chapters of this story since February, I hope you enjoy this even if it's a tiny bit short. Have an amazing day!

Words: 775

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