chapter 15 | deja vu?

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Hellooo hope you all and a great day
And also sorry for my punctuation- I am dumb so I can't really do it if I mess it up please tell me and God bless you! But for now let's get started~

* means in a call
Warning Slight cursing

You were standing still, you didn't know that a smile crept on your face. You were Really happy, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming.

You didn't mind going home to this everyday.
But of course the moment had just had to get ruined! By a phone call, you growled abit.

The creepypasta's looked at you, you gave a frustrated sigh and said. "Ah, sorry that's just my phone ringing." You excused yourself and left the room.

And saw his number. You cursed under your breath. And just decided to answer to get it over with.

You *What do you want!*

??? *oh simple you~*

You *No you know what I meant!*

??? *is it that bad to say I love you?*

You scoffed(?) a bit but then said.

You *You have a audacity to call me after what you did!?*

??? *You know that was a mistake besides I love you very much~*

You felt sick from that and was just sick and tired of him ruining your life.

You *I wanna make this clear.
I Absolutely hate you"

??? *haha very funny. You know you love me~*

You felt yourself gag by that and none the less as frustrated.

You *you know what! I am sick and tired of you!*

??? *you know ya love me*

You *that's it. This conversation is over*

??? *You know you love me! And you may have won the battle but not the wa-*

You *hangs up*

You gave a deep breath and sighed.
Man were you tired of him.

You growled, but left your phone but of course blocking him and muting your phone.

You just wished he stopped bothering you for once.

You gave a another sigh and just sat down. You were in your room, you were so happy 5 minutes ago.

Wow does he change your mood fast.
You rolled your eyes at the thought of him. You just decided to grab your guitar and play a song try to get him out of your head. So you tried playing your guitar until our got it in the right tone (is that correct- oh well besides your too bootiful to be thinking about that!)

This is the song

(Sorry it won't be the full song my lazy but it will start at the you never know what's on my mind)

You'll never know what's on my mind~

You'll never know the secrets that my keeping~

I scare you off with my crazy eyes,

'Cause all I need is me and myself and

I don't got no shame, 'cause my life is just a game

And I Don't care who's been keeping score~

(Oh no~)

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