16/11/22 - Pansmione

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Bonsoir lads. This is one that I wrote a while ago, it also almost made me cry so that's fun. I don't usually write angst bc I don't like to read it, but this kind of just wrote itself and I don't have any memory of writing even though I know I did. That's fun, anygays here it is. 

Pansmione, probably should mention again that it's sad

"SHE'S NOT DEAD!" I screamed. How could they lie to me, how could they not tell me the truth? "Where is she?"

Ginny was crying silently to my left. Luna's arm was around her, tears pouring down her face.

"I t-told you, Pansy, she-"

"NO SHE IS NOT!" Harry backed away from me, seemingly in a state of shock. Why were they lying? Where were they hiding her? "SHE'S STILL HERE."

Draco walked up to me, tugging on my arm. I shrugged him off, tears of anger bubbling in my eyes. She'd never left me like this before, without explanation. What was she playing at, hiding from me after we'd just won the war?

"Pansy, come with me." I follow him towards the middle of the great hall, to the line of people on blankets. "Pans, she's g-gone. She's gone, and she's not coming back..." His voice trailed off as we came to a stop, right in front of two figures lying on the ground.

Lavender Brown's body was almost unrecognisable, having been scratched and maimed by the werewolf, Greyback. Parvati Patil was laying over her motionless frame, shaking with sobs. Next to her lay another person, hands clasped together on her unmoving chest.

"Hermione," I whispered. All my anger gone, completely filled with emptiness and nothing. "Hermione, wake up." I reached out a hand to hold hers, wanting to feel some comfort, some warmth, but her fingers were frozen, icy. Stiff as though they were made of metal. I looked into her immobile face, wanting her eyes to open, for her mouth to laugh, to touch it with my own. But nothing happened. She lay on the floor among the 50 others that had been taken from us at the hands of the dark lord and his followers.

"HERMIONE!" I let out a scream. It echoed on the walls of the hall, bouncing and reverberating as though hundreds of people were saying her name. "No. NO!" I collapsed into the floor, shaking, barely breathing. It wasn't right, she couldn't just be dead. "Sh- she shouldn't have...She didn't deserve-" I broke down in silent tears, grief restricting my airways. I laid my hands over her own lifeless pair, feeling as though my soul and heart were breaking into fragmented pieces. The remnants of my life were disintegrating, scattering themselves among the memories of the times when there was no war, no shattered castle. No dead Hermione.

Something seemed to be seeping out of me, escaping from the broken self that I was. Colours and sparks, magic and memories, all evaporating out of my mind, body and soul. It was though I was being given the dementor's kiss; I knew I would never get anything back.

I turned away from her dark, once-warm skin, facing Draco again. I took a shallow, shaky breath. My lungs weren't working. My brain wasn't working. Nothing would ever work again.

"Draco," I rasped, my voice cracked and desperate. "Draco, do it." He looked scared, frightened.

"N-no Pansy, I-I can't do that. You'll...You'll be oka-"

"I WILL NEVER BE OKAY!" I shrieked, wet tears flying everywhere as I whipped my head from side to side. "NEVER." Draco looked lost for words, his own tears dripping off his pointed face. "The one thing I have lived for is GONE, Draco. I have nothing left. NOTHING." His expression seemed to change, hardening but softening at the same time. It seemed sad but controlled.

"This is your final chance, Pansy. Is this... is this your decision?" Draco stared into my eyes. I stared straight back into the pools of silver swimming with tears.

"Yes, Draco." I said softly. I sat back down onto the floor, entwining my figure with the dark skinned girl beside me. I closed my eyes.

A rush of wind. A blinding green light. A voice, saying the spell that would reunite me with my love, my reason, my soul. My Hermione.

"Avada Kedavra."

So. That was something, again. What did you think? Also I still didn't really edit this more than google docs edits it with the squiggly lines and it doesn't pick up everything BUT anygays, slay.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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