12/11/22 - Yesterday

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Bonsoir lads. Spoiler alert, I didn't write this yesterday (aHa see what I did). I wrote something but it was not the vibe, so I deleted it. This one is much better, and I just wrote it now. I wrote today's one first, and then this one, so yeah. Idk, here ya go: 

Daphne/Parvati (not really a ship but I basically gave Daphne a personality in another story that I haven't posted and she's with Parvati after the war, also I know Lavender didn't die actually in the books but pretend that she did, also this is some time after the war, like a while but anyway this is way too many words in the part that's meant to say the ship name so I'll just shoosh now, read the story) (slay)

Daphne was having a sort of mental breakdown. 'Did it mean something though?' was the question going round and round in her head. She thought it must, but all the same, Parvati might have just been using her as a distraction from her now-dead girlfriend.

"Parvati wouldn't do that," Daphne muttered aloud, trying to convince herself. She knew Parvati was a good person, but grief changes people. Daphne sure knew that. Her mum had never quite been the same since Daphne's sister had died.

She knew she really should go out and talk to Parvati, but Daphne wasn't placed in Gryffindor for a reason, and that reason was that she really, really wasn't brave. Confronting people might have been one of her worst nightmares, along with dungeons and snakes, which was ironic seeing as she was a Slytherin.

After suffering for another few hours, Daphne couldn't really take it anymore. She had to talk to Parvati. Luckily, Parvati had told Daphne where she lived last night, whether it was because she wanted her to know or because she had been drunk, Daphne didn't know, but the point was she knew where to find her.

Dressing in a warm winter cloak and boots, Daphne stood in front of the mirror in her own entryway.

"Parvati." Her voice came out in a nervous squeak. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "Parvati." That was better. Still quite high, but at least she wasn't squeaking. "I- I was wondering if I could talk to you about- about-" Daphne cut herself off. She stuttered when she was nervous. If she wanted Parvati to take her seriously, she would have to make an effort to sound professional. Taking a deep breath, she imagined this was another meeting with her work colleagues, who she was very comfortable around.

"Daphne, it's just another work meeting. Just a work meeting. You're fine. Breath in, breath out... Parvati-" she stopped, crossing her arms. As soon as she thought about Parvati again, her voice went up an entire 3 octaves.

Daphne shook herself, loosening the tension in her muscles that she hadn't realised she had been holding.

"Right. Daphne, you can do this. You just have to talk to P-Parvati," she stumbled across the name but continued, "You just have to talk to her about yesterday. If it meant anything to her, that's all. You're going to be fine."

With that note, she left the house and locked the door before she could change her mind.

Driving was very comforting for Daphne. She had taught herself to drive at the age of 16, which she knew was very dangerous but she managed it quite well. It was now her go-to relaxing activity, no matter how much people laughed at her for it.

Now, many years later, she still found it easy and soothing. As she drove towards Parvati's apartment, she took calming breaths, steadying her heart rate. By the time she arrived at her destination, she had somehow tricked her body into thinking that everything was fine, even though her mind was racing at a million miles an hour.

"Apartment 5C," she assured herself, remembering from the night before. Parking flawlessly as she always did, Daphne got out of the car and locked it, double checking by pulling the handle.

Up one flight of stairs, then another. By the third, Daphne's legs were getting tired. She had never been very athletic. Floor 4 and,

"Floor 5," Daphne announced to herself, breathing heavily and leaning on the wall. Looking around, she noticed that there were 6 doors; 5 for apartments and the last for a cleaning storeroom. "A... B... C." She found Parvati's door quickly, and knew at once that it was hers. Apart from having the very obvious '5C' sign in the middle, there was a doormat with a picture of a lion on the ground. Daphne knew that Parvati was always proud of being a Gryffindor.

Taking another deep breath, she walked up to the door. She could hear music playing inside the apartment, so she assumed that Parvati was home. Daphne knew that she lived alone, just like her, so there was a low chance of being interrupted.

Daphne shut her eyes, and knocked.

The music stopped playing. Footsteps approached the door. The handle turned.


So. What dya think? It only sort of makes sense, but that's how my writing is. 

It's not really sapphic, is it? I mean it is, because the theme is sapphic, but there isn't really any stuff going on, yk? Anyway, I don't care, this is my story so yeah. I hope you like it though! Imma go post the other one now, then I'll finally be up to date on the timing, FINALLY. Anygays, toodles for like, a minute or so. 

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