~ a note, pt. 2 ~

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hi everyone! aquariussunrise here.

thank you all so much for reading isolation. i never ever thought the story would resonate with so many people, but i am so glad it has. i see regularly how stories connect us and it means so much to me that carrie's means something to people. writing about carrie green's journey is an experience that has stayed close to me these past 2 years. i hope she's doing well.

(also what do y'all think of the new the 1975 album?? i'm in love with it. is anyone going to a show?)

thank you all for commenting, voting, and saving my story to your libraries. everytime i get a notification i smile 🖤

in my other story, runaway train, the main character (cara) is related to carrie, so she comes up a few times. i actually wrote runaway train as a sort of mirror to isolation. if you're interested in corpse husband or my writing in general (thank you guys for that 🤧🥹) please check it out and let me know what you think! it's another emotional journey, but with a little bit of spice.

thank you all again. stay safe. hope you're having a wonderful day. peace

* don't forget- epilogue to follow *

isolation [matty healy]Where stories live. Discover now