~ a note ~

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wow!! i can't believe the story's over. what an emotional rollercoaster that was.

here is a photo of matty that represents how i'm feeling rn.

here is a photo of matty that represents how i'm feeling rn

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big big thank you to anyone who has read isolation. it means a lot. writing this has been very therapeutic for me, and i hope it was meaningful to you. i also hope to write more things here soon.

in the meantime, i wanted to provide a couple references for some of the characters.

first of all, matty, obviously.

first of all, matty, obviously

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what a king. wow. here's a couple more, because he is so precious.

wow what a sultry gremlin (look at george being a sweet angel in the reflection of the mirror)

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wow what a sultry gremlin (look at george being a sweet angel in the reflection of the mirror)

wow what a sultry gremlin (look at george being a sweet angel in the reflection of the mirror)

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love this so much. (i know in these photos his face is hidden or weird but that's just the mood i'm in today ig)

next, we have derek! now, since amanda's lovely character is based on my real-life actual best friend, i thought i would do her a solid in this area... i'm believing in great things for you, sister. michael b. jordan.

you're welcome, "amanda"

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you're welcome, "amanda". and everyone else, too.
wow. what a man. okay.

now, here's my thing about carrie. when i sit down to read a story, here on good old wattpad, and someone has given me a photo of what the main protagonist looks like, it can really take me out of the story. it makes me feel weirdly detached (and insecure). especially with a story like this, i kind of want people to put themselves in her shoes. i gave a few vague physical descriptions of carrie (partially for this profound reason, and also because i am lazy and unimaginative), but i really want y'all to experience her journey right along with her, without thinking, "i don't look like that."
if it helps you to picture someone specific, that's fine.

you're wrong but it's fine. just kidding :)

anyway, wow again! i am sitting here after a super emotional couple weeks in my personal life, and i'm loving the way getting through this tale has made me feel.

i hope everyone's doing well. hit me up if you have any questions. or if you need a friend. and please feel free to make jokes, i live for funny comments. but don't make fun of me because i'm ~sensitive~

love y'all, God loves you, stay safe!


isolation [matty healy]Where stories live. Discover now