Fried Dragon

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At the siren base, the sirens are having a meeting of great importance. It's a matter of the dragon empery and what is to be done with them. Sadly, the subject to take care of them is missing.

Empress: "Where the hell is Emperor? This meeting is asking him if he'd like to have the honors of attacking."

Observer: "I told him to be"... "I HAVE ARRIVED!"

As Observer attempts to finish her thought, Emperor charges into the room screaming, putting everyone's worries to rest."

Empress: "You sure took your sweet time."

Emperor: "Sorry, sorry. I was busy fixing one of Strengths, "issues."

Empress: "Alright. Anyways Emperor, this mission is a matter of extreme importance and I'd appreciate it if you could take it seriously."

Emperor: "Alright, what's the game plan, heir commandant."

Empress: "Our mission, is to stop these Dragon Empery girls from reaching home."

Emperor: "Why's it a matter of great importance?"

Purifier: Because it's a fight to be won, why NOT take it seriously?"

Emperor: "Ok where are they currently?"

After explaining where the dragon Empery girls are.

Emperor: "Ok, shouldn't be too bad, but I'll take purifier, just in case I need backup."

Purifier: "Yay, I love fighting and destroying ship girls."

Emperor: "That's the spirit. Now let's go hunt some dragons.

As they step through the portal, those are the last words they hear. Observer laughs at the twos relationship.

Near the Dragon Empery ships, Emperor and Purifier are planning their plan of attack.

Purifier: "I think we should just rush in, ground their ship, and take off their heads, hahahah."

Emperor: "While that would be the easiest plan of action, look."

Emperor takes a listen on the radio chatter and hears something.

Emperor: "Hear that? Azur lane is still recovering from their wounds and attempting to draw in any perceived allies. If this ship sends out a distress signal, then we'll have to deal with not only Dragon Empery, but azur lane as well."

Purifier: "Oh alright, we'll use the pawns and strategy to take them out."

Emperor: "Thank you for being reasonable."

Emperor has his right hand up and seems to be beckoning pawns and sirens to join them. Around 5 pawn battleships join the battle against the Dragon Empery.

Purifier: "Only ten? What the hell, where are all the others?"

Emperor: "They're all busy on missions to destroy the Azur lane. But for now..."

Emperor looks out towards the Dragon Empery ships and His, purifiers and the ships riggings power up. He smirks.

Emperor: "This'll have to do."

As the sirens chase the Dragon Empery girls, the girls try to find help.

Ning hai: "Ping hai, try to send a distress signal out, I'll protect you while you work."

Ping hai: "Right. I'll do my best."

As they begin work on sending a distress signal, Emperor begins to make his way towards the ship.

Emperor: "I have determined that they are trying to send a distress signal. I am going to attempt to stop them."

Purifier: "Very well, I'll continue to take down the ships defenses."

Emperor: "Very good."

As he finishes, he spots the girls, attempting to make a distress call. But at the same time, they spot him.

Ning hai: "Ping hai, there's a male siren, right there."

Ping hai: "Well, that can't be right. You must be things"

As they turn speechless, Emperor smirks and addresses the ships.

Emperor: "Hello Dragon Empery ships, I am Emperor of the Sirens, and you my little dragons."

He smirks and his tentacles merge, creating that huge laser again.

Emperor: "Are about to get cooked."

As he fires, Ning hai throws herself in front of the laser, taking the brunt of the blast, while ping hai manages to get the distress call out.

As the smoke cloud dissipates, Emperor smiles upon seeing that nothing remains.

Emperor: "Hah, HAHAHAHAH. That was just too easy, maybe purifier was right. We should have just torn them limb from limb."

Emperor calms down, returning to his normal self and leaves the wreckage.

Emperor: "Purifier, we're heading back, as well as two ships. Three ships will remain in power down mode, waiting to destroy stragglers."

Purifier: "It's over? Damn it!"

Portals open, allowing the sirens to leave the area of distress.

Ping hai: "Ning hai are you alright? Talk to me please.

And that's it. I decided that I wouldn't destroy them, since it's another time for the gray ghost to have "screen time.

See you next time


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