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Maria was sitting on the kitchen table, her wrist watch was beeping, as she was coughing, Sonic had retrieve her inhaler, for the poor girl. The human girl was wheezing and clinching her chest in pain, it was very unclear what kind of disease she has, since bother her grandfather, and cousin were unsure either, it wasn't killing her that's for sure, just makes her weak, and have coughing fits to the point the she looked like she was suffocating, she takes her inhaler taking a big breath from the inhaler.

Sonic had his ears tilted back, he didn't really mind helping his friend out, if anything it made him feel rather happy for some reason, to help others who really needed it the most. "Are you okay?" He signed.

"Y-yeah..." Maria lets out a small sigh, "It always happen...I get wake up in the morning" she gets off of the table, and looks down at Sonic with a smile on her face. "I'm glad that your awake though, you can help me with breakfast!"

Sonic's eyes sparkle and he smiles, nodding his head. "Great, we are going to make some Japanese Pancakes, with some homemade strawberry sauce" Maria said as she shows Sonic the outside garden where there were different fruits and vegetables growing, as well as flowers and flower bushes, a small shallow clear pond with some fish swimming in it, as well as frogs and lily pads resting on top of the pond. "Come on, let's pick some Strawberries, they are normal sweet this season" Maria said as she hands Sonic a basket.

The blue hedgehog had fun with Maria, as well as got to know the morning routine the young female goes through every morning, despite the hedgehog coming from a royal background this was the most fun that he ever had, he didn't remember the last time he actually got to relax, and hang out with friends, or even cook.

"I thought smelt something sweet" Shadow said walking down the stairs, with a smile. The blue hedgehog ran over to take Shadow's hand wearing a white apron and a smile on his muzzle, the darker hedgehog had a small blush on his cheeks seeing the cute smile on the smaller males face.

"I didn't make it myself, she helped me" Maria giggles, as she sets down the two coffee mugs full of coffee for both Ivo and Shadow.

"Really? Heh, you really are making yourself comfortable" Shadow chuckles rubbing Sonic head, making the hedgehog purr softly.

"I'd think so...just no progress on the memory, but she made some perfect Japanese Pancakes" Maria said.

"I'm sure they will comeback..." Shadow said. Sonic runs over to Myers as he smiles and pulls him to the kitchen. The darker blue hedgehog didn't have his armor on, not that he needed it on when he was sleeping.

Mornings were always like this, the Robotnik family would sitting around the table and eat breakfast, and talk, it was almost like Sonic never seen a interesting family get along like this.


A purple hedgehog, with long light purple straight quills, and side quills that curl up to her muzzle, light peach muzzle, underbelly, and arms, a red cloak draped over her shoulder, with a tan and white dress, bright emerald eyes. This is Queen Aleena Bernadette Hedgehog, Queen of Mobius, and Mother of the Three Hedgehogs. "No No...Michelle you're doing it wrong!"

The young blue hedgehog, who was in a green dress, with a green lace cape draped over his shoulders, he wasn't allowed to wear pants, or shorts, hoodies, or t-shirts, all his clothes were feminine, with dresses and skirts. He wasn't focused cause his siblings who were the same age as him were outside playing, racing around. He was stuck in the castle training to be a proper Princess, he's a male but because of his body he fits the role as princess. "I'm t-trying..." Sonic stutters.

Aleena shakes her head as she forces her son to stand up straight. "Proper Princess has good poster..."

The days was always like that, Sonic had be treated as if he was a Princess.

"Hey Sonic want to race!" A mess quilled green hedgehog said, wearing a red vest, with black bracelets with spikes on his wrists, red running sneakers, worn out baggy jeans that were ripped at the heels and knees, Sonic jumped for joy, and was about to speak, before the Grand Duke stepped in forcing the blue hedgehog to sit down. "A proper Princess does not race..."

"Sorry Prince Manic" The Duke said, Sonic tilted his ears back.

"Oh...Well Sorry Bro, I guess I'll asked Sonia" Manic said as he walked away.

Sonic looks down at the table with work assignments, this was his class, he was home schooled to be a proper princess, he didn't go to school like his siblings did, and when he did go outside he had a dress like a Princess, greet others.

"Michelle!" The blue hedgehog looked up at Aleena, sitting across of him was a blue hedgehog, wearing a white fancy suit, brown bangs, and hazel eyes, a peach muzzle, underbelly and arms, his quills similar to Sonic's. This is King Jules Hedgehog, King of Mobius, and Father of the Royal Triplets.

"...I know...Proper Princesses don't scarf down their food..." Sonic said, as he sits back straightening up his poster.

"Good" Aleena smiled.

Sonic flinches when he was smacked by his teacher, who was in the middle of showing Sonic how to greet guests. "Proper Princesses, don't shake hands, they bow, as well as they don't cry either...Now try again Princess Michelle" Sonic swallows his cries down.

So many months of nothing pure torture, the hedgehog didn't even remember the time that he was able to be a kid, The Duke, always jumped at the chance stopping him from hanging out with his siblings, the abuse was to much that he just became mute out of fear of getting hit by his teacher, for speaking out of turn.

Meals were different, the Royal Family didn't eat as a big family, Sonic was stuck eating with his parents, to learn to eat properly, while he's siblings were allowed to eat whatever they wanted, Sonic was on a diet to keep his figure, he wasn't allowed to be independent. He suffered through it all growing up.

/End of Memory/

Sonic was outside kneeling down in front of a long eared-rabbit, he was just feeding the small creature some blueberries, and baby carrots, he just watch the rabbit with a warm smile on his face, he enjoys the outdoors, as much as he didn't inside, he was just outside cause he didn't want interrupt, Maria's homeschool sessions, the sunlight was shining down on his quills, he the let the rabbit sniff his hand before giving the creature some pets, he always had a fondness of animals.

Sonic watched the rabbit crawl away, the blue hedgehog, turns his head to see Myers.

"I was kind of wondering where you were..." Myers said as he sat down next to Sonic. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it."

Sonic smiles and nods, it was quiet the sound the sound of nature, it was almost relaxing. Sonic point to the metal hand part that was over Myers' hands.

"Y-you want me to take it off?" Myers asked.

Sonic nodded, and holds his hand out to motion that he would like to hold his hand, but he wanted to feel his warmth, not the cold of the metal. Myers swallows the lump in his throat down, before twisting the metal part pulling it off, along with his glove. He was hesitant at first, but told a hold of Sonic's hand. He blinked, at how soft and gentle Sonic's touch was.

The blue hedgehog smiled.

Shadow quietly growls to himself looking at the scene in front of him, sure he didn't show emotions towards Sonic, only when he was alone with the blue hedgehog, or himself. But seeing Myers holding Sonic's hand just made his blood boil.

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