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Sonic was in the back of the G.U.N tuck, he made his choice to go back to the castle, with Shadow...he didn't the family to suffer cause of his actions, he only sat in silence, with Shadow sitting beside him. He wasn't mad at the darker hedgehog, since he was only doing his job, the emo hedgehog placed a hand on Sonic's, he rubs his thumb on the palm on his hand. The blue hedgehog didn't mind.

When the truck came to a stop, Shadow pulled his hand away, as the G.U.N Agents came to the back to open the door, "Nicely work Project Shadow" The Agent said looking at Sonic, the agents helped the azure hedgehog out of the truck, the kingdom and reporters all cheered when the Princess had finally returned to the kingdom. Sonic only nervously smiled and waves at them all, the knights took over for the agents, but Shadow was allowed into the castle G.U.N agents were keeping the news crew behind the gate.

When walking into the big modern style castle, he saw the family portrait of his family, and even then his family made him into a girl.

"Michelle!!" Aleena called out running over to the blue hedgehog, tears in her eyes. "Oh my sweet Princess...how I missed you so"

Sonic only tilted his ears back, "Thank you for taking care of her, and bringing her back..." Aleena cried pulling away from Sonic and shaking Shadow's hand.

"No problem your Majesty" Shadow smiled.

Sonic was dragged by the maids to get his clothes changed, the blue hedgehog only whimpered, but his Mother glares at him, which was unnoticeable to Shadow. Sonic just lets the maids take him away, he didn't get to hear what Shadow and his Mother were talking about, let alone asked about his siblings.

"I'm sorry Princess, but the Queen had us prepared this room for you" The Maid said as Sonic was shoved into the room, the hedgehog saw that their was a small bed in the corner of the room, bars on the window, a dresser and a wardrobe, a bathroom, and a make up station. The hedgehog looks at the window seeing the bars, the maids closed the door and there were bars on the door window, as well as the door locked from the outside, he was trapped in this room, trapped in this castle.

"I'm sorry Michelle...but this is for your own safety..." Aleena said, Sonic only shakes the doorknob trying to open the door. "But look on the bright side, tomorrow you'll meet Prince Elias, and spend the rest of your days with him, cause of your escape the wedding had been put on hold, but now, the plans are back on"

Sonic tilted his ears back, as there were tears in his eyes. "Aww don't cry Michelle, tho Agent Shadow did show some interest in you...maybe you could marry him instead, he does seem like a good king" Sonic heard the sound the his mother's heels walking away from the door. The blue hedgehog fell to floor he started to weep quietly to himself. At least he got the freedom that he wanted, and it only lasted five years, and six weeks.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Shadow was sitting in the back the truck, or the G.U.N Van, the look on Sonic's face...it wasn't of happiness but sorrow, he couldn't help but think that maybe bring him back to the castle was a bad idea. Not to mention he didn't know if would be able to see him again.

"So how did it go Handsome?" Rouge asked, Shadow when he came back to HQ.

"Well she was happy to see her...but I don't know how I feel about this anymore..." Shadow admits.

"Tsk...Don't tell me that you develop feelings for her...She's a Princess, you a science experiment..." Rouge stated.

"Grrr I know that!" Shadow growled. "But, I just can't help but think...that maybe I could have had a chance with her..."

Rouge shakes her head "I doubt it Shadow, but hey I have proven me wrong before" the bat said as her heels started to click on the floor as she walked. Shadow watched Rouge leave he just rubs his head, for some reason, he felt upset, sure with Sonic around, it was like atmosphere around him was given that light of hope, but now it was just rain clouds. He lets out a small sigh.

"I. Sense. Medium. Levels. Of. Negativity." Omega said, his metallic voice snapping Shadow out of his thought. Shadow didn't bother correcting Omega, cause it was true, he only shook his head and made his way out of the building, to go home, he did what he was asked to do and he slightly regrets it.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Myers didn't bother to talk to Shadow, after what he had done, it just seemed that the tension between them only grew more than normal, as for Maria and Ivo, they knew that Shadow was only followed orders from the commander.

The small two story house, just felt empty without Sonic, hell the room that the azure male staying in had been cleaned of all of Sonic's belongings, but his spirit was still there.

It was most as if the family had lost a family member, for the second time, it was to late to take it back now, there just wasn't away for the two hedgehogs to just break into the castle to take Sonic back, with the Princess back the place is probably heavily guarded.

"Ugh...how could I be so Stupid!!" Shadow growled, as he punched the wall. "It was clear that she wasn't happy in the castle...and yet I failed to see it!" He just falls to floor in his room, an hole in the wood of his wall. "I think the last time we are going to see each other...is that ball, for the arrival of the Acorn Family" he lets out a sigh, his ears tilting back. "Maybe their I can apologize to her...for taking her back."

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