geron hen ābrar

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As the weeks and months went by Alyssa Targaryen could feel and see that her biggest fear of being with a child was becoming a reality. For the first weeks, the princess feelt so bad that Lord Corlys and Laenor wanted to send her away back to Dragonstone but Alyssa refused coming up with an excuse that she just couldn't eat certain types of food.  And the mans clothing she was wearing helpt her keep the small showing stomach hidden. Even Daemon visited her one night to ask what was going on. But Alyssa made sure that he left her tent and would never return. And as the days went by and the war continued Alyssa's stomach did get bigger. But thanks to the fact that she did not eat a lot she lost the weight that would off have made everyone know she was going to be a mother... 

Somehow Alyssa got used to the thought that she will have a child, a son, or a daughter. But as soon as her brain made up different pictures off the feature the princess made sure to put them aside because she had to get rid of this child. As soon as she can. Which was quicker than she thought it would be. 

Alyssa Targaryen climbed up on Cannibal, this time it took her a minute before she was settled in the saddle. But no one was seeing her struggle. And even if someone wanted to look Cannibal won't let them, because as soon as someone did a move the beast opened his mouth and was ready to eat them alive. Alyssa took a hold of the reins before she made her command and Cannibal jumped up in the sky. She and her dragon were being sent to Driftmark with a few ships to get more men and provisions. The light-haired woman looked down at the empty horizon under the wings of Cannibal. With just a few moves of his wings, the beast manages to end up a few kilometers forward than the ships making them just small almost invisible dots.

The small wind was blowing in Alyssa's hair making it dance around her face. Everything made this moment so peaceful until a small pain made one of Alyssa's hands drop to her stomach, while the other was still holding the reins tight. Still holding the hand on her stomach the woman could feel small movements that were very uncomfortable. But she remembered what her mother called them, the movement of life. She laughed because she knew that her mother would know what to do. But her mother was not here, and the only person she could ask for help and advice was herself. 

" What should I do? " Alyssa whispered still feeling the movement inside of her. She always thought that she cannot keep this child. But now that she thinks about it maybe she could. But how would she say it to Daemon? That she has kept his child from him for such a long time. Alyssa stopped to think when Cannibal shifted and flew a bit lower making Alyssa's hand wander back to the reins. Cannibal was a quick animal and they ended up on their destination fasther than they knew it. The beast made a few circles around the castle and the Island before landing. While touching the soil a roar was heard and soon the second largest beast came to view right in front of Cannibal and Alyssa. Vhagar. The dragon stood from her nap and slowly made her way to Cannibal that already had his mouth open. 

" Lykirī Cannibal! ( Calm down Cannibal! ) " Alyssa was quick to command. The black beast closed his mouth but was still looking at  Vhagar, he did not trust her. 

" Vhagar qrīdrughāks! ( Vhagar go away! ) " A woman's voice was heard coming from the ground. And something in Alyssa knew who this woman was. The princess was quick to drop the reins and begin to climb down her dragon. She didn't care about the small amount of pain she was feeling, the only thing she felt was the happiness to hear Laena Velaryon's voice. 

Finally, Alyssa was done climbing and she jumped down from the last steps on the rope, she hurried around Cannibal to see Laena standing in the middle of the big sandy field with her hair tied back. She had grown so much since Alyssa saw her, and she was right. Laena Velaryon was a beautiful woman. When Laena saw who came down from the dragon she could do nothing but run up to Alyssa and hug her tightly. And when the women were done Alyssa took a step back still holding Laena. She scanned the younger woman's body with her eyes before saying: 

" Look at you! You are a full-grown woman. " Laena shook her head while interviewing her hands with Alyssa's. 

" What about we head back to the castle and get something to eat? You must be starving. " Alyssa was indeed starving but she knew well why she couldn't eat, not too much anyway. So the only thing she did was smile and nod while the two women left their biggest dragons in the realm on the sandy fields and slowly began to walk toward the castle. 

With every step taken toward the destination, Alyssa could feel more and more pain in her lower stomach, and it became so bad that she had to stop. A worried Laena looked at her cousin on her way to ask something but before she could Alyssa was back to normal and began to walk. But the pain never stopped and it got worse. Alyssa just didn't choose to show it. 

" What about fish? " Laena suddenly asked remembering Alyssa that they were supposed to eat as soon as they walk into the castle. 

" I am very exhausted. I hope you won't mind me going straight to my chamber?  " Alyssa said while walking up the stairs that led to the back of the castle. Laena nodded knowing well that Alyssa was back from a war. And she had to be very tired. 

" Of course. We may eat later. " Alyssa smiled thanking her cousin still clambing those horrible stairs. 


Okay, so this chapter is not my favourite but I hope you like it. Right now I have no time to write because of the work that I begun just like a week ago. And I am working on kindergarden so when I am back home I have litterly no energy left in my body. And the drafts I had and was posting have now being posted so as soon as I have time to write something I do, like today. So I hope that you guys don't think that I am done with the story, I am not. I just work and trying to come up with ideas on other stories becasuse I don't want my two hotd fics be the only thing I write hah. 

Anyway thank you for reading, I am so grateful for everything! 

And btw, If you guys have an idea of a story you would be intrested in reading if I wrote it you can always leave some sugestions!  

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