Second Year - Secret Revealed

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On the lead up to the second year Raven walked through Diagon Alley with a shifted McGonagal as a guide and a list in hand as she found what she needed for the next year. She excitedly looked through more books until she felt a paw knock into her leg to remind her to hurry up and she headed to the buy those she needed. Raven then headed out to a quiet area and McGonagal changed back taking Ravens arm and disapparated back to Spinners End. She happily walked commenting about the books she had asked more question which suddenly flipped to animagus's with McGonagal as they walked. The elder smiled gently as she answered the questions and entered the Snape home.

Severus met them close to the door eyes meeting McGonagals nodding. "Staying for Tea?" He asked and McGonagal, who shook her head. "Very well. Allow me a moment? Do take your books to your room Raven." He said waving the child towards the stairs.

Raven frowned slightly but nodded turning towards the stairs finally placing her things on her bed immediately moving to sit down talking with Loki over all the books and such ideas as she sat.

For the days leading up to when she was going to head back to Hogwarts with her father — so that he could begin setting up for his classes — she went out going around the area, park and Library mostly. 

She was reading a foraging book in the park, Loki curled around her wrist loosely as she read happily in the sun when her father appeared in front of her.

"Time to go home." He simply said eyes scanning over the park.

Raven looked up at him blinking in confusion, "It's still early." She responded even as she stood and Loki shifted to drape around her shoulders instead.

"Even so." He said moving his hand to her shoulder moving it quickly as Loki hissed at him Raven hid her smile as she hissed softly to remind them that her father wasn't a threat.  "Little Snake we're in public." Snape said with a sigh raven smiled and shrugged as they began to walk home.

"They think I'm strange anyway."

Snape frowned looking at her, "They're muggles."

"There for they grew up with different customs." Raven said shrugging. "Auntie Minnie already explained that one."

"Of course she did." Snape calmly said waving her through the door and following her inside grabbing a paper from turning it upside down. "Go pack we're heading to Hogwarts early." he held a hand up to stop the question she was about to ask. "Go."

Once at Hogwarts she hadn't realised how much less freedom she would have compare to previously. He would barely allow her out of his sight. Whenever she moved to go for her usual, roam around the castle halls Snape would suddenly be called back to do menial things to help or telling her to study and once even deciding to walk with her that made it not quite her usual walk, portraits ignoring her with him there. She only finally got away by heading to visit McGonagal.

While she's with McGonagal, she finally gets an explanation. There had been an escape from Azkaban and Dementors where searching for him, included the grounds. Raven nodded and sat quietly drinking the hot chocolate she'd been handed as she was thinking how to figure out what she could do to be able to go on her normal walks around the castle.

Unfortunately, she hadn't got to do that before it was time to go.


Raven was dropped at the train station on the first day, finding a cabin happily falling into the seat pulling the book from her pocket and started reading. Zoning out as she read until the train suddenly froze in its tracks. She slowly lowered her book slowly feeling dread as she turned to the window it turning dark and the glass becoming frosted over.

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