Forth Year - The Start of a Rift

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The holidays seemed to stretch longer, and Raven focused on her homework. She started hoarding more books in attempt to start trying to decide where she wanted to take her education more. Her sleep had cut down with an unable to sleep without remembering Cedric or Crouch.

She my not of really known the Hufflepuff but her memories of the boy were always happy and calm because he had always been nice to everyone around him. So instead, she dived in on work she could do.

She already knew she wanted to get her potion mastery, call it competitiveness but her father was one o the youngest and she felt just a small need to do the same or better and potions were something that she enjoyed. She wasn't really sure that was the actual career she wanted to follow after that fully, Charms interested her but that was a broa subject, so that didn't help either. So she studied over each book; charms, defence, potions, herbology and just cycled again.

She was ready to scream when her father called her from her room just over a week in. She came down half catching her messed up hair in the mirror on the back of her door as shed headed out of the room but brushed it off as she me her father in the main room.

He dropped a newspaper to the side as she entered. "Yes Dad?" The tiredness in her voice making him turn towards her his eyes scanning her face taking in the messy hair and darker then normal eyes with a deep frown.

"Albus is sending me on a mission. We thought it would be a good idea for you to perhaps go stay with your godfather for a while." He said calmly.

Raven paused going to speak then cut herself. "A mission? Sounds very movie." She tried to joke.

"Its no more dangerous then me teaching at the school. Now before you thank me for seeing Lupin it was McGonagalls idea."

Raven breathed out a small laugh eyes dropping to the floor, "Should of known it was Aunt Minnie." She looked back up at him, "When?"

"Go pack, you're going today." Raven headed towards the stairs again, "Don't over pack with books!"

"No promises!"


She hadn't expected to end up at Grimmauld place, but that's where she was. Bag on her shoulder Loki wrapped around her arm.
//"I don't like thissss travel."// he hissed angrily as Raven placed the port key back into hr pocket.
//"sssorry Lok. It's the best way in." //

She walked from where she landed at the front door heading to what she assumed was the kitchen. She was greeted by the sight of Remus and Sirius Black sitting at the table and the pair looked up and she gave a stilted wave and Remus smiled and waved for her to take a seat as Black raised an eyebrow.
"Have we met?"
"Officially? Definitely not. I'm Raven. I was there at the shrieking shack." She said shrugging slightly.
"Ah... brave girl. I thought you had black hair."
"Technically I'm ginger. It's a charm, easily manipulated. You remember we're magic right?" She drawled and smirked as Remus hid a laugh.
"Sirius Black. Great to meet you officially." He said holding out a hand to her.
"Raven Evans. Wonderful to meet you in a less seri- significant event." She introduced herself automatically taking the hand before silently swearing as she took her hand back as she saw him staring at her, in a way she remembered from her father and more recently Crouch.
Remus cut into the conversation easily, "So, I don't know what you're expecting but There will likely be more people joining us over time." He told her calmly and she grinned.
"Awesome, I don't get to socialise much out side of Hogwarts."
"You were reading almost constantly while I was there."
"That was because people were boring and idiots."
"Thats a familiar sentiment." Sirius joked gently.
Raven paused and looked at him for a moment, "Please tell me you don't mean your brother." She started. "Our last Defense teacher told me I reminded him of 'Reg' more then once."
"You mean crouch? He compared you to Regulus?" Remus asked in surprise. "Why was he even around you enough to think that?"
Raven shrugged lightly leaning back on the chair shoulders pulling up slightly till Loki hissed and nipped her arm slightly and she stopped. "He started by asking about my book and then scars. I called him out on a Hypocritical thing he said. It went from there."
"Scars?" Sirius asked and Raven simply held up her arms. "Ah." Raven shrugged,
"I'd say they're not as bad as falling down into Salazars Chamber and being stuck with an amnesiac Lockhart." She joked and smiled looking at Remus who had looked away. "Less of the Slytherins try and say things now weirdly enough."
"Anything that shuts up a snake-"
"Ravens also a Slytherin." Remus cut in before Sirius could finish the sentence.
"The worst Slytherins are the rich kids. Same as with the lions." Raven said in a mock polite tone and Remus couldn't help the laugh this time as Sirius looked offended.
"Definitely Like Regulus."
"I'd say Lily." Remus added with a smile and Raven turned with a beaming smile even as Sirius rolled his eyes.
"Not all of the rich kids where bad."
"Malfoy is the worst. But I stole his Ice prince title so.." she shrugged and pulled out a book from her pocket.

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