Seventh year - Resetting the Norm

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A few months after the war, people started to settle down, and the four sat around the dining table.
"They're almost finished rebuilding Hogwarts." Remus told the table casually. "So it should be built in time for school to start back again. You both planning on going?"
"Obviously. It's my last year. " Raven said easily.
"I'm not sure." Harry spoke up when the adults looked at him, "I know Hermione is going to but.. I'm not sure I think it's worth it for me."
Remus nodded slowly. "You have your OWLs so you don't exactly need your NEWTs. It would still help, though. What do you want to do?"
Harry looked unsure at the question, taking a moment before shrugging. "I'm good at quidditch and defense."
"So, teaching defense, or actually, using the magic practically... as in being in Auror?" Sirius asked casually.
"Teaching more so I think."
"Okay, so your NEWTs would help, but you could take time off and take them later." Sirius told him, "Then go for the Defense position at Hogwarts, or else where, of course."
Raven watched them continue the conversation and smiled softly as she watched Harry relax into it as they figured out what was best, and Raven quietly excused herself and headed out of the house.


Heading to the library this time straight to the computers and taking the emails she had figured out for her A-levels as she finally is organising them so she could take them at the beginning of the next summer. One finished they found the books they needed before walking towards the stores looking around for something for Harry's upcoming birthday before.

Just as they got back to the house a neighbour called their name and they sighed slightly before turning to the women with a smile. "Hi, Ms Parker."

"Oh dear it is you. You look so grown up." The older lady began moving to her, "You look much pretty with you natural hair."


"Oh how is your Father, I know he's a bit of a recluse but we usually see him once or twice. And I just know the men I've seen leaving and entering here arent him."

"My father died Ms Parker. The Random men you've seen are my uncles and my half brother is staying with us at the moment."

"Oh I'm so sorry dear." She said."I didn't know that, and I thought Severus was an only child?"

"Uncle Moony is my Mothers brother. Not that its your business."

"And the other man?"

"His partner? Ms Parker I need to head in. Wonderful talking to you again." Raven cut her off before the conversation could continue as she finally pushed through their door.

"Moony's partner?" Sirius asked with an amused smirk as they entered,

"Aren't you?" Raven shot back kicking off their shoes off.

Sirius paused an shrugged, "I guess so. Harry's headed to the Weasley's they're doing an early birthday dinner."

"Whats the plan for his birthday by the way?"

"Remus say's we should just do a small dinner. I think we should go big, it's his 18th."

"What was you 18th?"

"The Potters threw me a party."

"Nice. You were popular right?"


"Harry had like three friends he spends time with and did you see him at the Yule ball?"

"Not a party person?"

"Not from what I've seen."

"Maybe I'll just ask him." Sirius conceded finally.

"That sounds like a better plan."

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