Chapter 5 - Resolving an issue

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I went back to my room, I think I'm going to have nightmares

I went to the bathroom to take a shower, I looked at the mirror

This isn't me

I'm not a pink haired pink eyed short girl

Does that mean-

I'm Otori Emu?!

I'm lucky it's a timeline where we didn't know each other beforehand

They would've gotten suspicious of me

The next day after breakfast, Rui walked away

He looks panicked

And I think he's avoiding someone

I'll go confront him

"Rui, are you trying to avoid someone?"

I'm trying to avoid Tsukasa-kun


I don't want to hurt him
He could've died-
I'm sorry, please don't tell anyone

"What did you do?"

One of my inventions malfunctioned
It went a bit insane
But it was lucky it didn't harm anyone, I turned it off before it did too much damage
One of it's attacks almost hit Tsukasa-kun


"Have you apologized?"

I'm too scared to
I don't think he would forgive me
And if that's the case, I could never-
I'm saying too much

"You could never?"

Rui starts to blush a bit

Does that mean-

"You should at least try, you never know until you do"

You're right
I should apologize

"I'll go with you, just in case you need me"

When we're walking around, Mafuyu came up to me

____, Nene wants to see you


"I'll be going now, bye Rui"

Alright, see you

After talking to Nene, I encounter Tsukasa

____, how could you...

"What do you mean?"

Tsukasa throws his fist at me, thank goodness Emu is good at acrobatics and I dodged his attacks with ease

"Tsukasa, what are you doing?!"

What are you trying to do with Rui?


"I was chatting with him earlier, what's wrong with that?"

Stay away from him!

"Tsukasa, you got it all wrong"

"I'm trying to help Rui resolve an issue"

"He said there was an incident that happened in his lab last night and you were almost hurt from that"

"He wanted to apologize"

I'm sorry for suddenly attacking you like that, ____...

"It's fine, it was just a misunderstanding"

"Were you jealous because I got a bit too close to Rui?

How did you-

"Don't worry it's safe with me"

"And also, you should confess"

But what if-

"Trust me, you won't regret it"

Hope and Shows (Project sekai danganronpa AU) (Reader POV Ruikasa)Where stories live. Discover now