Chapter 6 - A yandere?!

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As I lead Tsukasa to Rui, his face has been bright red

They meet up with each other

Um... hi Rui

Hi Tsukasa-kun
I'm sorry about last night

It's fine
I have something I want to tell you

Me too

They both take a deep breath

Rui and Tsukasa
I have feelings for you
Will you be my boyfriend?

Wow that's so synchronised

At least they're together now

The moment is ruined by an announcement

A dead body is found inside the rec room

Rec room?

I hurried over to the rec room, Rui and Tsukasa followed

When we arrived

I couldn't believe my eyes

Nene is dead


Why am I starting to speak like the real Emu Otori?

Screw it, I'll just continue talking like this

"Nene-chan! this is not wonderhoy!"

She's the first person I met in this game of killing

She eventually became by best friend

Tears ran down my face, why her?

Why her out of everyone?

I continued on crying

No, I have to avenge her

I have to find who killed her

During investigation time, I found a piece of paper with something written in it

Don't you dare get in my way, he is mine


This is like something a yandere wrote


That's saying of one of the four boys

Rui is likely the 'he' mentioned in this, but I might be wrong

I mean, Nene is Rui's childhood friend

But Rui is with Tsukasa, that likeliness just dropped down

What about Akito or Toya?

Could be an option, but I won't be sure until the trial

I found two strands of hair in Nene's hand

Most likely in an attempt to defend herself

One blonde strand and one orange strand

This is evidence pointing towards Tsukasa...


There's no way

Tsukasa can't be the culprit

What should I do

Hope and Shows (Project sekai danganronpa AU) (Reader POV Ruikasa)Where stories live. Discover now