Chapter 8 - Double kill

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When I woke up, I went to check on Rui and Tsukasa to see if they're still sleeping

I went to Tsukasa's dorm to see them sleeping soundly, cuddling

I knocked on the door, they're going to be late if I leave them here

I knock even louder

Not yet...
Just a few more minutes

Rui is still sound asleep

Finally, I start to yell

"You guys are going to be late if you continue sleeping!"

Tsukasa sat up, Rui turned over

He saw me, and yelled

Close the door!

I did as asked, closing the door

Then Tsukasa walked out

Rui is still a bit tired, he should be out here soon

Rui eventually followed, and we went to breakfast together

I think my luck has been getting better!

"Didn't you almost get stabbed by a knife yesterday?"

At least I didn't get nightmares last night, that's something!

"Alright then"

I continued chatting with Rui and Tsukasa

Minori's luck is getting better

That's a huge red flag, she's getting character development before the third case

So who's the other victim?

Suddenly, the announcements started up

A dead body is found inside the dorms

The dorms?

I hurried over to the dorms

An and Haruka are crying

Kohane and Minori are dead

It's the same knife Akito used to kill Nene, stuck in Minori's chest

Investigation started, first thing, they both died in Minori's dorm

Meaning Kohane is likely at Minori's dorm when she died

What if...

Minori killed Kohane?

Then who killed Minori?

An then left, there's something wrong with her clothing

There's two rips on there, one on the back, one on her left arm

I see a little bit of blood on there as well, it's like a cut

Now I understand, An killed Minori

Then I should be right, Minori killed Kohane and in revenge An killed Minori

But how do I prove it?

I need more evidence

Did you find anything

"Nothing yet, it's kinda difficult"

At the class trial, nobody had any evidence, the case is so well concealed


The cuts on An



"You killed Minori"

Prove it
You can't just accuse me like this
There's no evidence
And what about who killed Kohane

"The cuts on your outfit, the cuts on you"

"Those are cuts from the knife, isn't it?"

"As for Kohane's killer"

"It's Minori"

"Am I right?"


A trail of tears falls off her face

"All three of you were in Minori's dorm, then Minori kills Kohane"

"Minori then attacked you, but you manage to avoid getting hit in your vitals"

"When you had the chance, you took her knife and stabbed her"

"But you didn't think to conceal the two cuts you got"

Voting time started, An received the most votes

You're right...
Minori killed Kohane...

"I'm sorry..."

Don't apologize
At least I'll be free from the guilt now

An has to give instructions to a Monokuma on to make coffee, without realising the cup was huge

After the instructions are complete, An is lifted up and dropped into the cup of coffee

Hope and Shows (Project sekai danganronpa AU) (Reader POV Ruikasa)Where stories live. Discover now